06. Cell reproduction


> Construct a cycle showing the stages of cell division

> Summarise the stages of cell division

> Give reason(s) why cell division in important.

Activity: Read & Apply

Read the short passage. You can read it alone, in a pair or a group, you can highlight or underline what you think are the key words or sentences, but make sure you read it all.

When you have read it, stick it to the left hand page of a double page spread in your exercise book.

Cut out the six graphics and using the information from the passage, stick them into your book in the order of the cycle. Underneath each one write a short summary of what happens at each phase in the cycle.

To finish, complete the writing about reading section and stick this into your book to complete the double page spread.

If you are stuck, there is a partially completed example for you to look at.

Extension: Complete the summary sheet - Special cells