Ex. The debate


" Mankind no longer needs to mine new sources of raw metals and should make do with recycling and reusing the metals it has already extracted."

Debate: Mine or recycle?

You are going to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of mining for metals and recycling them.

You will take part in a class debate, one side supporting and the other attacking the recycling of metals.


1 We have seen that that supplies of key raw materials are in short supply. One way of making what is available go further is to recycle it. If we need the metals for new products, we either have to recycle them or mine fresh ore from which to extract the metal. In this exercise you are asked to find out which metals can be recycled. Is it possible to extract the metal from discarded products? Is this likely to be a profitable business? How does the cost of mining the metal compare with recycling?

2 The class is going to stage a debate about mining and recycling metals. At the end of the debate you will have a chance to give your opinion by voting for one or the other.

3 Two people in the class will take the role of the speaker for mining. Two people will take the role of speaking in favour of recycling.

4 Search the Internet to find websites about mining and/or recycling. Use the information from these sites to come up with ideas for the speakers to put together in their talk. Choose one idea and pass this to the speakers to include in their talks.

5 Speakers should to compose what they intend to say. They should take account of the ideas submitted to them.

6 If you are a speaker, the points you select should support your point of view. Try to structure your ideas. Start with each fact, then explain why it supports your point of view or attacks your opponent’s point of view. You should point out the weaknesses of the other speaker’s arguments.

7 Voters should listen to the points raised by both speakers and make a note of the advantages and disadvantages of both viewpoints. At the end you will be asked to vote in favour of either mining or recycling.

The instructions/guidelines/format for the debate are attached.