06. Microgravity and the human body

First, some recent news

Task: Create a poster outlining the effects of microgravity of the human body.

Your poster should demonstrate you understanding of the human body systems.

You will be evaluated using Criterion A

1. Watch the following video to get started.

Watch this video

In your notebook:

2. Define microgravity.

3. Explain how microgravity is simulated on Earth for astronaut training.

4. Why do astronauts experience motion sickness when they first feel microgravity?

5. Define fluid shift.

6. Why do astronauts have puffy faces?

7. What effect do cosmic rays have on the brain?

8. Explain the loss of bone density in astronauts who spend just 4-6 months on space?

9. Why are astronauts at risk of developing kidney stones?

10. What effects does microgravity have on the circulatory system?

11. What would happen to astronaut muscles after being in space for 4-6 months?

Create a poster outlining the effects of microgravity on the human body using the resources below and the questions above to guide you.

Just for fun:

What I learned from Going Blind in Space