06. Animal Adaptations

How do organisms adapt to their environment and interactions?


The adaptations (form) of an organism are a way of explaining how the organism has changed to help it to successfully survive. These adaptations can be affected by the organism's environment and by its interactions with other organisms.

In this assessment you will use the skills you have developed in class to apply your knowledge and understanding to a new circumstance.


    • Research a new organism of your choice, find details of its environment and interactions and use these to explain its adaptations.

You can use the same format that was used in the Hustai Animal Adaptation work, or you can create your own format.

    • You should explain the environment that your organism lives in; the climate, types of plants, landscape etc.

    • You should explain the types of interaction your organism has with other organisms, such as predator-prey relationships (food chains and webs), breeding relationships and possible interactions with humans.

    • You should explain the adaptations (form) of your organism that help it to survive and be successful in its environment and in its interactions.

    • You should try to use the correct scientific vocabulary whenever possible.

    • You should use MLA 8 format to cite your sources.