04. The composition of air

Why is the atmosphere made up of so few gases?


- Be able to state which gases are in the atmosphere and what their relative percentages are.

- Be able to experimentally test some of these figures.

Activity: Which gases make up which percentages of the Earth's atmosphere?

Activity: Checking the percentage of oxygen.

If we repeat the experiment, can we:

    1. Explain what is happening and why?

    2. Use this experiment to approximately confirm the percentage of oxygen in air?


    • tea light (candle)

    • petri dish

    • water with blue food colouring

    • 100 cm3 beaker

    • 100 cm3 measuring cylinder

    • 250 cm3 measuring cylinder


Come up with a plan, test it and then post your results in the Google Sheet.



Answer the questions on Oxygen data analysis

Next lesson: Oxygen and oxides