01. What do we need energy for?

What do we need energy for?

One of the key uses of energy by humans is to keep warm, and one of the main ways humans keep warm is by burning fuels.

In this brief investigation we will see which type of flame transfers heat energy to a beaker of water fastest.

Equipment needed:

    • 'Bunsen' burner

    • Heat proof mat

    • Tripod

    • Gauze

    • 100 cm3 measuring cylinder

    • 3 x 250 cm3 beakers

    • Thermometer

    • Stop-clock

    • Towel (for moving the hot beakers)


    1. Prepare a table of results.

    2. Set up the 'Bunsen' burner on the heat proof mat with the tripod and gauze.

    3. Using a measuring cylinder, measure 100 cm3 of water and pour it into a beaker.

    4. Using a thermometer measure the temperature of the water before starting and record this in your table,

    5. Light the 'Bunsen' burner, and leave it on the yellow flame. Place it under the beaker and start the stop watch.

    6. Carefully watch the thermometer, when the temperature has risen by ~20 oC from the temperature you recorded in step 4 stop the stopwatch and record the time in your table.

    7. Remove the 'Bunsen' burner from under the beaker and make sure it is on the safety (yellow) flame, allow the beaker to cool down for a few minutes then use the towel to carefully move it.

    8. Using a clean, cool beaker repeat steps 2 - 7 for the next type of flame.

Results table:

In the correct place in the google spreadsheet, type in your time in seconds for each experiment.

Next Lesson: 02. Types of energy