01. What to eat?

Activity: consider your evening meal last night, what was it, what did it contain? Was it a healthy meal?

Look at the "healthy eat well plate", what food groups does it recommend that should be in each meal?

Why are the amounts of each type of food different?

The WHO and other global health organisations advise on the recommended daily amounts of each type of food that men and women should consume. The recommendations for adult men and women in the UK are given below.


Activity: (In groups) For each type of food research:

  • why it is an important part of a healthy, balanced diet?

  • what does the human body need it for?

    • give an example of this type of food.

  • Create a pie chart for the amount of each type of food needed for men and women.

  • Compare the two and comment on why the different foods are needed in different amounts and why the amounts might be different for men and women.

  • Based on this information, each member of the group should plan and show what they would consider a perfect meal to meet all of these recommendations that they would like to eat.

Product: Each group should carefully and neatly organise all their information to be compiled as a display on healthy and nutritious eating.

> You should include a 'page' outlining who completed what parts of the activity,

> All sources used should be cited, including images.

You have 2 lessons to complete this activity!