05. Elementary #2

What makes the elements different from each other?

You are working in the advertising department of a chemical company and your job is to increase public awareness about different elements. You will be in charge of advertising one of the more than 100 elements that combine in a multitude of ways to produce compounds that make up all of the living and nonliving things that are found on Earth. Your task is to create a one-page display (either drawn by hand or designed on a computer) that highlights the important information about the element that has been assigned to you.

The display must be colourful, neat, and contain the following required information: element name, element symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, drawing of the atom, periodic table location, melting point, boiling point, natural state of the element (solid, liquid, gas), density, physical appearance, type of element, origin of element’s name, name of person/persons who discovered the element, date of discovery, five common uses of element, five interesting facts about the element, your advertising agency name, your name, and date.

You will complete an element display worksheet that must be neat, and contain all the information requested. Please provide a list of sources (at least three) at the bottom of the element brochure worksheet. Your worksheet will need to be turned in with your final project.

You may use the internet (see websites listed below), science books, or other reference sources.

The Nova Elements app on the iPads is a useful starting point.

Element Internet Websites:

http://environmentalchemistry.com/yogi/periodic www.webelements.com

http://elements.wlink.com www.chemicalelements.com

http://periodic.lanl.gov/default.htm www.chem4kids.com/files/elem_intro.html

www.chemicool.com http://education.jlab.org/itselemental/

When your display is complete, you can use the attached rubric to assess how well your brochure meets the criteria.