02. The scale of things

How far away from each other are the objects in our Solar System?

Activity - use the instructions provided in the two videos to produce a chart in Google Sheets that shows the relationship between the distance a planet is from the Sun and the length of its year.

Video 1 - making a chart of Distance from Sun against Length of year using Google Sheets.

Video 2 - adding annotations to the chart using Google Drawings.

On your graph:

  • identify the relationship.

  • label each of the planets

Activity - use the same approach to produce an annotated chart that shows the relationship between the Planets and their average surface temperature.

Data sheet: Average temperature of planets

Which of the planet's surface temperatures doesn't fit the same pattern as the rest?

- this is called and anomalous result.

Research why the average surface temperature of this planet doesn't fit the same pattern as the rest and add this explanation to your chart.

YouTube: Planets, Sun and star sizes compared

YouTube: The Scale of things

Can you...

> follow instructions to plot a graph

> identify a relationship from a graph