02. Foxes: Form & Environment


> Identify features of an animal

> Compare differences in features between different animals

> Identify different types of adaptation

> Make connections between adaptations and habitat of an organism

> Make connections between the Form of an organism and its Environment


In groups of ~ 4m look at the picture of a fox that you have been given. Discuss the appearance in as much detail as you can as a group. One member of the group use use a blue pen/pencil to record the description on the paper.

Foxes: Form & Environment


In your group, use the internet to research the habitat that your fox lives in. Discuss what you find out. One member of the group use use a green pen/pencil to record the most important details of the habitat on the paper.


In your group, use the internet to research the feeding relationships that your fox is involved in, (what does it eat, does anything eat it?). Discuss what you find out. One member of the group use use a red pen/pencil to record the most important details of the feeding relationships on the paper.


What are the different types of adaptation?


In your group, use the internet to research the adaptations of your fox. Discuss what you find out. One member of the group use use a black pen/pencil to record the most important details of the adaptations on the paper.


As a class use the information we have all found out about the different types of fox to complete a Venn Diagram that will show us the similarities and differences.


What to do the concepts Form and Environment mean?

How to these concepts apply to adaptation and habitat?


Can we each describe the forms of the different foxes?

When we consider the environment each fox lives in, does this help us to explain why each has a different form?