Oscar's Digital Portfolio

My Survival Simulation

I really liked me and my groups presentation. I thought that it brought out the creative side of the class. This activity also helped me with my utopia as well. It got me ready for the planning, which is similar between both my utopia and the survival simulation.

I really liked the chance to create a visual of the survival simulation. It gave the project more of a visual and interactive side.

My Second Academy Authentic

I really like Academy Authentic's because it lets me write anything that I enjoy. In other words, it lets me do what I'm good at. This particular one I haven't shared with you before and it might still need some revising and editing, but I really enjoyed writing this story. There are also some of Alice's comment on it.

Utopian Poem


I am enveloped in beauty, true beauty. In all directions a variety of things can be seen.

To the south are the looming trees like monsters in green cloaks.

To the west are the strong,brave mountains who stand with honor and determination no matter morning, night, snow, or shine.To the east lie the plains providing vegetation and a land where all are allowed to roam freely.To the north stretches the river, humming the tone that a mother would to her new-born child.Above me is the untouchable sky who isn’t afraid to show its emotions, someday crying with anger, flashing with bright streaks of fury, other days smiling brightly.Below me is the immense ground of moist, rich soil, willing to accept any travelers just to visit or to employ as a home.This is the real world, the world that represents a blank, clean piece of paper, free of writing and drawing.Without the layers of ink, paint, or lead over this piece of paper, the heartwarming beauty of nature is visible to the eye.The nature where the trees sway and dance to the beat of the breeze, where mountains reach for the sky, where the plains glow with a silent pleasure as the sun gazes upon them, and the nature where the river branches off into streams like a bird allowing her baby chicks to set off on their own.

I really enjoyed writing this poem because it was one of the first that I have written this year. I also really liked writing about the topic "Nature" because I think it is one of the topics that is fairly easy and fun to make it calm and fluent.

Remix Culture Debate

I learned a lot from our debating unit because in elementary school it wasn't as serious. All I used to do was just argue for my side, pointing out points that would help my side. Here in Mr. Wilkoff's classroom I learned how to use a flow chart, and all the "debate vocabulary" such as first proposition, first opposition, second proposition, second opposition, opposition rebuttal, and proposition rebuttal.

Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry Persuasion Essay

This was my second persuasion essay. This means that I had more experience in writing it. I also really liked reading the book "Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry." What made it all the better was that I got a good grade on it.