
My goal at this political conference is to say that lawyers need to be put in their place. This is a matter that has been put off for too long. If you ask any person on the street if they like lawyers, only lawyers will say they do.

This is all they do, take money from you, tell you what to do, and get you in mud twice as deep as you were in before. You tell them what you want them to do but instead of doing it, they say that you can get money on this deal buy counter suing, for no reason at all they want to sue them. Really it’s because the longer you’re their client, the more money they get. I mean, why is it so hard to listen? Then when it’s all over they blame you for the trouble they got you into. Whenever my dad sees a lawyer or a place that contains a lawyer, I have to cover my ears from the constant !@$%s.

But to get rid of these problems we can’t be like lawyers and wait 10 years, no now we need to take action, this is our time to create a new law system, a better one without lawyers. Now is the time to take action. Now is the time to unit as one and build a better community. Now is the time we prove them wrong that they can help. Now is the time…

Lawyers also are law breakers, not of the U.S. law but the 10 commandments. “Though shall not lie” if that sounds familiar, then it’s because it’s the one they break on a cliently bases. If their guilty, they make a false story that sometimes works if it’s a good lawyer. And if they’re innocent, they come up with a stupid exaggeration so it sounds as if the plaintiff is the one that should be thrown in jail for accusing such a thing. They’re sooooooo annoying.

I do have a question, why do you have to go through law school just to be an idiot?

I’m not saying that all people feel this way but most do, not as extensive of course. I say all lawyers should be fired and given jobs at McDonalds, that way they can still have the joy of annoying you without controlling you.

I say that we back Shakespeare up, “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”. Not literally but you know what I mean.