Daniela's Memories

Year 1:


My favorite things about my first year of middle school...

Core 2 Social Studies was amazing. All of my friends were there and I learning a whole lot! I could never forget how many amazing friendships started in that class... so many inside jokes. A few of the best things that happened in that class were watching Horatio after lunch, having fun with Ms.G, (Dan)Swedish Hospital and "Hospitality" (um... doesn’t that mean being taken into a hospital???) :) Good Good Times!!!

At lunch Brooklyn and Eric would always HAVE to sit together! They were inseparable and we purposely tried to make them sit at opposite ends of the table, but some how (by Brook beating us up) they ended up together. They were magnets, and it seemed to everyone that they were going to be that way forever...

I have been given the role of Smart Physiatrist to Anyone Who Needs Someone to Listen to Them and Give Them Advice. I love being considered a helpful person, and I really try to hold everything together, it can be hard, but even though I would never want to give up I needed to learn when to let go and let it be.

Also, field trips that year were also unforgettable... going to starbucks and getting a cold from sitting on a bench in the rain listening to Trey's ipod in the park down town.

CSAP week had just ended, and while everyone else was outside me, Brook, Erin, Dan, Eric and Trey stayed in Mr. Wakefield's room and blasted the 30 second clips on I-tunes and totally messed around. I think trey at one point even tried to take his shirt off, (eweww)!!! And of course... Eric and Brook were together as always holding hands under the table, like they would in class...

Dan and all the crazy things he did, like on the last day of school out in Falcon Park, he, Pat, and Ed snuck over to his house and got his parents to bring us lemonade and popcorn.

Summer was interesting; we all came back changed...

Year 2:


Back to school and the year looked promising.

But so many things changed, new stronger friendships were formed, some unbreakable bonds were broken and people grew up.

The friendship between Erin and Brook finally settled and they actually got along! I would like to think I helped out that situation, but honestly I don’t know what changed... I'm just glad it did. Now we are all best friends and have made so many crazy/amazing memories... from projects worked on together like our Social Action Plan to field trips and everything in between.

Eric and Brook know there relationship went the other way... once they were best friends and the summer changed everything, mistakes were made and they never really talked again after they broke up. And that’s all I've got to say about that.

This year did hold many changes, but it also held a lot of fun, (I can't believe it’s over!!!) this year had 2 great field trips, the zoo... my group: Ed, Bryce, pat, Luke and Zach. Our research animal was the Rhino Hornbill, and we were supposed to make an emersion exhibit for the Hornbill. It was hard work but I got it done, because that’s who I am, if I start something I don’t need anyone to help me finish it. Disappointment, but it made me strong and realize that I don’t need a guy to help me when imp in need, I can get through it by my self.

Also the Digital Denver field trip... my group: Ed, Jordan, Austin, Erin, brook, and Colby. We used GPS to find our way through Denver on a digital scavenger hunt, to bad the GPS didn’t work!!! To bad, more time for starbucks, chipotle, and cheesecake factory! Yum!

Just today lunch was delayed by a food fight, so all of discovery piled into ms. Lornell's room and had a Journey/Rock Lobst'a concert. I will never forget Dan and Trey (along with most everyone else) singing " It wasnt a Rock.... do do do do do-do it was a Rock Lobst'a!" and "Don't stop Believing!!!!!" it was amazing and it really did give some kind of closure to this year.

High school... I'm excited and ready to meet new people. But afraid to lose the ones I’ve grown so close to these last 2 years.

I’m so ready to change but at the same time I'm scared out of my mind!