Shelby's digital portfolio

This is all the work this year that I am pretty proud of.

My first academy authentic

I really liked this because it was my first time writing in a boys perspective.

Second Chapter

This is my seccond chapter to the story wasn't as good as my first one but I look forward to later editing it.

This was my favorite blog post because I'm not good at writing poems usually and this is one time were I went out of my comfort zone and wrote one.

Nano Wrimo

I'm proud of this because this is the most I've written in one month. (3,573 words). Also because I've had this idea a long time ago and I got the chance to actually write it.

Radio Drama

This is important to me because I had a lot of fun making it.

Survival simulation


Cat dress-up

I liked this because I thought it was a really cool project and it was fun to make.

(pictures from)Personal Curriculum

(numbers out of order because this is a draft not the real magazine)

I liked this project because I got to study what ever I was interested in and for this I studied art styles.

Egg project


The problem was what would happen if an egg cell was put in salt water?

I liked this lab because it was an at home project and what we learned about writing labs was very useful. same with the. . .

Which will Grow project


If there was a lot of beans in one cup and one bean in another cup which will grow better?


My most thought out post

so our teacher asked us the question “How does you concept of utopia (your idea of perfection) influence your idea of existence? (How are utopia and existentialism (the questioning of existence) related?)” and well this question hurts my brain. . . . a lot. Thus I still have to answer it. I think the concept of Utopia changes my idea of existence by to make a Utopia (which doesn’t exist) you need to destroy some existence to create Utopia to exist. But what is existence, I think it has to have a physical presents to it. Not to say that feelings don’t exist because they do and their physical appearance is only to you.. . . . . . If that makes sense.

This was my most thought out post though I feel like my point wasn't as clear. . .

So today in class we were reading what some kids in Washington D.C. were writing in there blogs. But when I wanted to comment on what they were writing I couldn’t. Other than that their blogs were actually pretty fun to read. For example Smiley Face

had a bunch of really cool poems. In I’m a Rock Star’s blog she wrote about us and thats kinda cool how they can see what we’ve done and wee can see what they’ve done! A ton of people in my class loved the little Elephant and Bob movie that Hold The Mayo made. Angel’s choice must have a lot of time on her hands or she loves to write her short stories are so interesing that as soon as I got home I went online to book mark her page. Those are just a few choice blogs that I enjoyed visiting when I visited Mr. Mayo’s class list of blogs.

This was a fun activity we did and this is my blog post on what we did.

Social studies power points

European power point

Africa power point