Chapter 7

"You’re telepathic?!" John screamed which was odd to everyone just wandering around the subway.

"Well it's not like I was busy with something else," the hobo said with sarcasm in his voice and a smile on his face. John walked slowly toward the discussing looking man bending low to the ground in case he needed to run from this creep. "Allow me to introduce myself," the man said politely, "My name is Rick and I know telepathy." John was shocked that the man had enough strength to even form a sentence like he was full of enough energy to run a marathon. "Please walk away."

"Excuse me?" John wondered since the man had asked if John wanted to find him, which he did.

"Walk away to the other side of the station so you don't look like you should be put in a mental institution and I don't get sent to jail for communicating with you."

"But how will we talk to one another?" asked John.

Are you really that stupid child?

Finally John got the memo and walked over to the other side of the station where they resumed their conversation.

You really know telepathy? John asked with much excitement.

Keep asking these rhetorical questions and I'm not going to offer my services. Now just listen while I explain. John shut-up. I'm a hobo yes, but the fact is that my mind is so advanced that I have a college education. Right now your head is filled with questions, all of which will be answered. He was correct, John had many questions in his mind, which aroused another, how did Rick know that? I guess that is a good place to start. I can read your mind even when you don't want me to. That's how I knew you were looking for someone like me. I read thousands of minds everyday. Some people are depressed because of their job, some of a dead family member, and the ones I really don't want to listen to, the sad I'm a virgin stories. Yours interested me quite a bit though. Now that I have told you this much you’re already trying to defend your mind. It was true. When you try that hard you’re just letting your mind be open up more because you’re thinking of the possibilities of what I can do to your mind. And trying to block a single thing means your easily penetrated part of your brain is thinking of what you’re trying to hide, you have much to learn in the world of the mind. John was panicking, this guy was too good, what if he was just trying to kidnap John somehow and he was using all of this to use it against him. Don't worry, I won't. To continue, I have been in this same spot and haven't moved a muscle. Yet, I still get all of the food and money that I need to survive. How, you ask? Well when they pass by, meaning any middle class human, I use my powers to talk to them, they aren't smart like you, they think it's their conscience talking. Quite amusing actually, either that or they think Satan is about to bring them to heel if they don't be nice. I prefer that later because either way when they pass by me, I tell them that they should or have to, depending on their situation; give me something, like clothing or food. I wear them under this so people will still consider me helpless. And if the cops try and nab me, I do the same thing. That means I was just lying about that we have to talk across the subway, it doesn't matter.

Then why do we have to keep doing this?

Because it's more fun this way. That's my story, now let's concentrate on yours. John was about to think when Rick cut him off. No need to explain, I found out the whole situation five minuets ago. So you made contact with dragons and they say that they are going to destroy the earth in order to get their life style back, and you want me to contact this Lenrog so you can try and convince him to stop the destruction. Well that is impossible. Do you remember when you talked to him that he said dragons had no emotion?

Well yes but why can't--

If you try and convince them you will just be killed. In order to trick them you would need to use emotion which they hate. Although I can help you warn everyone.


Watch closely. Rick cut off contact with John and turned to a very rich fat lady, in fact, it was the same one from the same plane that John was on. John stared in amazement because the odds were incredible just to see her again. She must have also gone crazy like John's parents because she pulled out a sack of money and laid it down gently in front of Rick.

Now how long do you want this article? asked Rick with a mind chuckle as he stood up with the money.

* * *

"You're hired Rick," John said, "You want it you name it."

"I want to be known as one of the greatest telepathies of all time."

"That might be a little difficult, but if we do save the world from total destruction then you will be known," John encouraged.

Rick and John were walking to the newspaper place to put John's story in the paper and were having a wonderful time talking. John.


Do you know why Lenrog erased everyone's memory but yours?

No, I didn't think it was important at the time, do you think he could have made a mistake?

Perhaps, but I think he did it on purpose. He was ordered to erase your memory along with everyone else's but I think there is good in him and that is why he let you keep your memory. There is still one question that I haven't answered which is why hasn't anything been destroyed yet? The answer is that a lot of things have, and a lot of people have died, it's just there were no survives.

How do you know this?

I am connected with everything on earth in at least a small way. All of the people that die I know exactly what they feel, how they died, and how much they deserved it. So they have destroyed half of China and still have the entire east side to cover.

Then we need to hurry! John started running but Rick said It won't matter anyway, what's dead is dead, and what's gone is gone, nothing more, we will save thousands of people but 30 seconds won't make a difference.

Once they were at the paper place, the press, Rick and John told the writers everything they wanted to say so the world would be saved. After they explained every nook and cranny the journalist said very clearly to them, "This is like war of the worlds, and you want me to put it on the front page?" he gave a chuckle.

"I've got cold hard cash," Rick said as he held up the bag that the fat lady gave them.

"Whatever," the journalist sighed as he spun around in his chair to get some paper work for Rick and John to fill out, mostly Rick.

Things were looking up for Rick and John, John had found a telepathic that at least helped him get the word out, and the world would now be warned about their emanate doom.