Jeremy's Incredible Digital Portfolio

Purpose: This is a essay I wrote to answer a driving question that I have wanted to know and thought about for years. It is more of a life question rather than a math straigit forward question which makes it special to me.

The Rules of Dodgeball: This was a way for me to flip out at morons who don't play fair in free-for-all games.

Lawyers: I hate lawyers because of how hard it was for my parents to get divorced. According to that, all of this is true except for the parts that are just part of life.

The Hardest Quiz in the World: This wasn't created in for school but we found it doing school stuff and I think I've created a great quiz.

Mysteries of the Past: Part 1: This is the story I wrote in November for ELT. I'm not extremely found of it but this is the first time I've actually thought of a story and finished it. There are 12 chapters that I'm proud that are long enough to actually be a chapter so each of them counts as a document to me.

Little People's Court: This is our (my) radio drama that we did for ELT. Seeing how it won 5th place and I wrote 92% of it, it is a very big deal to me.