Dog-town's Blog post

When i think of creation i usually think of a diarama or a science paper but in reality it can be anything physical or not… it can be a thought as in my last post Idea Of Nothingness read more of it to get a better idea of that.I usually go through a couple steps in my head when i want to create something physical or not. Like whether or not its going to be physical or not. <(-_-)>

This blog post is unique to me because it was my first post ever on The Academy.

How does My concept of utopia influence my idea of existence ? Most people think that in order for something to exist it has to be something you can see or touch. But in reality anything can exist if you think it does like the ” Boogey Man” in your point of view . I mean you cant touch the boogey man but every body knows who he is .Which brings me to my next point . If something isn’t physical it can still be a mental or a emotional creation . I think theres two different concepts of existence physical and mental. If you believe in something it exist to you.<(-_-)>

This is pretty significant to me because it was a very deep idea that i came to love!

Does Taking away material items does create equality. I think that technically it does because it wouldn’t give anyone anything to brag about like if you have a $300,000 car while someone else is in a pinto.If everyone were to own everything then everyone would be equal in that sense. Everybody would be happy that they are all equal.Then everybody would wear the same clothes.Everybody would have the same amount of money and the same…. everything.There would be no fighting over other things . But if everybody has everything they need so they wouldn’t need to strive for anything so they would just be free loaders . There would be no sense of ownership.

This post is very cool because it really stretched my mind to widen it horizons to grasp more complex ideas.

I’m going to describe a place where everything’s perfect

A place where theirs no conflict

A place where everything’s perfect

A place your at everyday

Everything is perfect until…

You have a start

You open your eyes and….

You see your alarm clock sitting there ringing and ringing

I decided to post this item on my Portfolio because it was my first Utopian poem.

I think that wind was to blame. First off the uprooted tree would have been incapable to any pig or human to do by his or her self. Next i think that The animals wouldn’t have been able to get the proportions right for the cement making the structure unstable. Lastly i think that In order for the flag pole break that the wind would have been to strong for anyone to be out. Therefore the wind was the culprit.

This one was pretty weird because I had to take specific factors out of the story and support my answer.

I think the act of creation isnt really an act but more of a thought . The created “thing ” doesn’t have to be a physical object. The created object can be a thought or a opinion. During our whole lives we are creating things constantly whether its thoughts or gas as we talk . Even as we die we are decomposing and creating gases . As for the Idea of nothingness i think that in the event of a “nothingness” we would miss even the things we hate most like… zits.On the other hand we theres no possible nothingness, theres always “something” even nothing is something.

I liked this post because it made me think really hard (almost to tears). And made me realize really deep ideas.

I think the most important aspect of my personal utopia that i would like to bring out of fantasy and make a reality is probably the people. I think that if all the peple in the world were not perfect and more…human.Also If they didnt bicker and fight all the time , but still fought.

I this one was interesting because it was a new thought and idea i had never heard.

Based on the very few tenets i completed( thank you very much) i found that the French had good in mind when they killed a lot of people.I think that they had there ducks in a row when it came to there government . But in reality we cant really say it was perfect because we don’t have a good idea of what a good Utopia is. I think compared to before that most of the people were happy because if you had only a few possessions then you would have everything.

This one was peculiar to me and I thought it was suitable for my portfolio.