
My Seventh Grade Year

I have prepared this site as a place to show my work from this year. It is meant to be a place where I can look back upon what I have done and a place where I can reflect on how much progress I have made. I have included pieces from all areas of my work including early stages to more advanced projects. I have also included some of my personal inspirations. I am proud of my work and amazed at how much I have accomplished. I feel fortunate to have been apart of the Discovery Team and have grown both personally and academically.

My first blog post.

This is my first post on my blog. The post describes ten ideas that I came up with for future stories.

My voicethread doodler 2

During the year we were exposed to many forms of creating special projects on the internet. A resource we found is voicethread. The creator of voicethreads gave a tutorial on how to draw on a picture when you comment on the power point. I created doodler 2 to show the creativity of people and their smiley faces. You may need a voicethread account to draw your smiley. To do this click here. I enjoyed using this resource and will use it in the future for other projects.


In class we split into groups to see how well we would survive on a deserted island with nothing but what is described on this link.

Bar mitzvah speech

One of my biggest accomplishments this past year was becoming a Bar Mitzvah. This took over a year to study for including writing a speech to give during the ceremony. I wrote my speech and discussed it with my rabbi and had to edit it many times. I am very proud of the speech and I enjoyed sharing it with my guests and congregation on my special day. It tells you a little about me and my feelings about my religion.

Fall assessment

This was my first assessment in middle school. As I look back at this piece I can tell I have become a better writer.

The park

One warm day I went to the park and was there by myself. When I got home something made me write what I was feeling and I came up with this poem. I didn't do it for an assignment, just for fun. I really like how it turned out.


This was a huge project! This took over 6 weeks to finish. My class first read novels about utopias and then applied it to our own created utopias. It made me think a lot and I enjoyed working on it.

Italy Trip

I am very excited to have the opportunity to go to Italy this summer. For my personal curriculum project I created a voicethread about what my trip may be like and what I want to do and see while I am there. By doing this project, I got to learn a lot about Italy and most importantly get excited for my trip!

Plant PowerPoint

Science was also exciting to me this past year. We learned about plants and I put all of the information I learned into a power point.

Tech Report

One of my electives during 7th grade was technology class. I enjoyed everything we did in this class. Each week we were responsible for researching something to do with technology and write a report on it. This is one of my favorites.

What is mood?

One of my friends and I worked on a grammar project. We created a story about a chicken you must hear.

Science Lab

During science this year we were responsible for doing many labs. I feel that I have gotten really good at them. This is one that I did comparing 2 household products. Do you use this product?

Advice From a Macaque

The zoo is fun. I put together a poem that involves characteristics of a macaque.

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

In my language arts class we read many interesting books. I enjoyed both Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry and Dragonwings. I have written about both of them. (See link below for Dragongwings)

Dragonwings Essay

Another novel we read and wrote about this year.


I have always loved math and this year was no exception. I was unable to scan my Chapter 9 Quiz to link but I am very proud of my hard work and my accomplishes in math.