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many comments are needed to create a good site but i dont think there i a best type of comment. if you have all type of comments you will be able to critic it not in just 1 way.

our class time is precious because not very much time left for us to do what we can. we are in 4th quarter and the last weeks have to be used for the greater good.

Why has the United Nations called Darfur “one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world”?

i think that why they call it one of the worst tragedies is because not only is one thing killing off the poeple like in WWII the people are killing of themselves.

Who does the article indicate as being responsible for this tragedy?

the person who has taken the blame for all this happening is the people who in the begining started to fund this whole idea.


From working with our group i really found out how hard it is to work in a group and get the same out of it as if you were to work by yourself.I really came to know that the concept of utopia is extreemly simplistic in thought but when you come right down to the core of the idea it is way harder than you think. if you were to be stranded on the deserted island it would be 100 trillion times esier with people who get along with you and all work for the common good but that usually doesnt happen. i think the only way for the survival if a utopia to work is if everyone is the same aka a clone society. i learned about my self in the way that working with people i know and can relate to will make me want to try to help the other people who cant do as much to help the group.

This project that we are doing is much different than many of my other projects. working with a team was alot harder than what i had done before. usually when i do a group project for an end product we have much more time and get a lot more done. i think that really if we could do it again we would need a more uniform way to express our ideas that actually follow the cericulum.

If I was to live one day on only the survival level of life I think that I would actually enjoy it. I enjoy living in the wilderness like on camp outs and I think it would be quite an adventure. I would feel great being adventurous and all but after a while it could get boring. the way I picture this day is going out to hunt find food and have all the essentials to live. Basically it would be like a day living like Bear Grills.

Simile, Metaphor, Alliteration, Rhyme, Imagery, Symbolism, are all types of literary terms you use every day. I use list because i write lots of ideas and i dont always have a place to put them in my own writing and if i list all of my ideas in one place i have the ability to think more and when i go and read back i can add those ideas back into my writing in the place were it belongs.

A meritocracy is a very bad thing because people can take total controll. in the book we read the people who are the older and sometimes wiser get to make decisions and the older smarter people will take controll. if the idea worked my idea is that the smart person would take advantage of the less smart person so that they dont have to do work. After the smart people take over the less smart people will go and figure out that they have been taken advantage of and they would rebel spliting the two societys and leting them die.

I think that it is possilbe to seperate yourself from society and still be a valued part of it. think of the average person who eats food even if you live on a mysterios island you are still a consumer and you contribute to money that people use to buy potatoe chips. also if you go to a market and you sell all of your stocks you could be effecting a person who makes there money of stocks without even knowing it.