Authentic Speach

October 10th, 2007 | Category: Persuasion/Change Unit, Mr. Wilkoff/Langauge Arts

So far in my life, I have not had to worry about running out of gasoline. Now it is becoming an issue that might affect me in the not so far future. The way that we keep wasting this precious thing, that takes over 100 years to replenish, astounds me. Everyone is using gasoline everyday, even if you don’t realize it. Life will be very different in the future if we do not start conserving what we have.

Soon enough we are going to run out of gasoline. We will not be able to fly in any gas powered planes. That is unless we change our ways of living. So many things are made from gasoline. Not only do we use it to run our cars, lawnmowers, fireplaces, and some stoves and grills but we use it to also make deodorant, CD players, umbrellas, toilet seats, ice cube trays, golf bags, ballpoint pens, boats, and many more things. The biggest one is plastic. All plastic has gasoline in it. Every time we use or buy one of these things we are using gasoline. Soon there will not be enough to power anything or make anything.

Picture the world after gasoline is gone. No gasoline cars or planes. None of the household items that have plastic or any gasoline in them. More things than you think use fossil fuels. Studies have shown that if we use gasoline at the rate we are now, in less than 40 years it is predicted we will have none left. Unless there is a break through in hybrid cars most people will be walking, bicycling, or taking public transportation like light rails to get to work. Our dependency on gasoline has to stop ASAP.

Everybody can contribute to helping conserve gasoline. Just driving 5 miles less a day can help. If everyone did that think of how much we would save. You can also support alternate energy or fuel causes. You can even switch to using these. We can get just as much energy from wind and water as we can from burning coal and gasoline. Not only can we save gasoline for better causes but we can save our environment to. Running out of gasoline will make a drastic change in every ones life. We should do what we can to save and conserve what is left.