Alena's Portfolio

Stuff I Am Proud Of:

Some Other Things:

    • Downtown Field Trip 8th -Mrs. C. "OMG, write it down!! You need to write it down before it goes away, hurry up!!!!!"

    • In LA when Carrie and I sat next to Kyle H, Kyle M, and Matt R, and they were trying to convince us that Kyle H's name was George. After that, we started calling him Horhe

    • Also, I remember that in 7th grade I was really obsessed with HSM.

    • The time in ELT when we went up to the high school track and kept doing "The Laughing Trick." (when you cross your elbows (weenises) and then push down on them.)

    • The "Rock Lobster Convention" when Trey, Dan and Ed were singing the song. Then, they put on "Don't Stop Believin'" and everyone took out their phones and started waving them in the air.