Chapter 2

2 years later. . .

John sat at the park, depressed from his ruined life. He looked down at his feet wishing for one thing; to walk again. The doctors had told him that he'd never walk again. Larry and his friends had broken his legs beyond repair. The doctors said that he was lucky to be alive, but he still felt that he was dead.

A small blue bird flew down from a tree and landed on the back left handle on John's wheelchair. John looked up and felt a moment of happiness at the site of the bird, but it was quick to pass. The bird still had a life, the bird still had a friend, the bird was happy.

"Get out of here!" screamed John as he turned around and swung at the tiny blue object.

The bird flapped its wings four times rapidly while running until it took off. Just then John realized that it wasn't the bird's fault for his terrible life, it was Larry's.

Hatred swelled up inside of him. His teeth grounded together, his eyes squinted with anger, and all he wanted was to crush Larry like the disgusting bug he was.

Larry had gotten ten years for attempted murder and drug dealing but John knew it wasn't enough. But what could he do? His mom had bald out in court and his lawyer had an unusual talent of getting on the judge's good side. All he wanted was to walk again and get at Larry.

He sighed as he slowly moved his hands down to grab the rubber grips on the wheels of his chair. He propelled himself out of the grass below the oak tree that was planted last year and on to the rocky path.

Every soul was staring at him, and after one and three fourths years he was used to it. Slowly he rolled past people walking their dogs and remembered the time his mother had tried to cheer him up with a puppy after the doctor said he couldn't use his legs. He felt terrible because all he did was thrash and throw the puppy to the floor, breaking its back leg. Looking back he wondered if he had hurt the puppy so bad that it couldn't walk either. Maybe Larry didn't mean to hurt him so much after all, but then he had pulled out a knife and sliced his arm open. John just wanted to forget the whole thing, wake up from a horrible dream.

He quickly forgot about it when he rolled past a young couple and almost started to cry, he would never have a girlfriend, he'd never get the feeling of caring for someone so deeply that he would die for them, all because he was a freak to everyone he past by or even talked to. What would it take to get back to normal? He wanted to be normal when he grew to an adult, he wanted a family with a wife and kids, he wanted a job where no one would make fun of him just because he couldn't walk.

Looking down at the ground he saw a large shadow that had the same shape as the giant bird he saw two years ago. But this shadow seemed slightly different, partly because it was closer and he could make out the details.

It had weird wings that the light shown through and it had an extremely long neck. But what really scared him was a giant tail trailing from behind. Since it was only a shadow he couldn't be sure but it looked like claws on each of its four legs. The other details weren't distinct enough for him to tell because it only took 5 seconds for the shadow to disappear.

But it didn't matter what it was, he was too depressed to care. He just rolled on home while he thought about past memories and things he'd never get to do.