Chapter 6

Everyone was brought back to life, and one by one, vanished into thin air. His parents, with no sign of the tragedies that befallen them, embraced John. "We're so glad to see you again," his mom cried.

John looked up to see Lenrog, but didn't see him. Another group of glitter fluttered around them. The same spinning sensation that John had experienced moments before engulfed he and his family.

They left the ground, even though they never twitched a muscle. Around into clouds of smoke they went until they reappeared directly in front of their middle class house.

John moved his legs and stood up. His parents gasped as their son obtained the ability to walk again.

"Son, you can walk?!?!?" his father screamed in amazement.

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true," John replied just as happy as his parents were. "Well that dragon didn't lie," John muttered under his breath.

"What's that you said?" his father asked, "And do you know how you got your legs back?"

John would have kindly explained to them how he got them back, but he had more important matters on hand. "We must warn the world of what's coming." John realized that he probably shouldn't have said that, but he was too distracted by the fact the world was going to be destroyed.

"We just got home, why don't we go inside and have something to eat."

"Wait, do you guys remember anything?" John asked because his parents had seemed to forget that they had died in a plane crash.

"Remember what?" his mom asked as innocent as possible. That was all John needed to hear. This was terrible, the world was about to be destroyed. He knew no one would believe him, but if his parents knew, people would believe him entirely. Who would believe him now! His parents wouldn't believe him to tell everyone else. Should he go to the police, should he go to the army? They wouldn't believe him.

Maybe he could tell one of his teachers, one of them had to be crazy enough to believe him. But deep down John knew they still wouldn't.

He could put an add in the paper, thousands of people red the paper. But in order to put an add in the paper he'd need to pay a lot of money. Come to think of it, John didn't know how much money he had, maybe he had enough. At the speed of light, John reached into his back pocket to grab his wallet. His hand entered the piece of clothing expecting to feel a square item, but instead he felt only the jeans. Panicking, John put his free hand in his other back pocket, only to find air again. He checked his front two pockets out of panic, not that he actually thought they'd be there. Nothing. He had lost his wallet, and all chances to warn the world of their imminent doom.

Perhaps he could borrow money from his parents, of course they would ask why, but it was his only chance.

"Mom, Dad," John said in the best whiny voice he could do.

"Yes," they both replied.

"Can I have some money to put an add in the newspaper please?"

Their mouths dropped wide open. That would require a whole bunch of money. His father cleared his throat and swallowed, "Why do you need so much?"

By this time John was very impatient, "The world is about to be destroyed!"

"Son, the world is fine, nothing is going to happen to it," his mom said in a very whiny voice just like what John did. John couldn't believe it, his father thought he was crazy and his mom was treating him like he was nine! He needed money, and for his parents to have their memories back. Maybe Lenrog could fix this. But how could John contact him? He could find some one who knew telepathy. Good luck with that John thought. At this point John would take anything.

After his pacing back and forth for five minuets with his new fixed legs, John decided to just search for people who knew telepathy on the computer. To John's disappointment all he found was "The Dog Whisperer", and the only results that didn't have the dog whisperer were over 1000 bucks for their so called powers from the gods. Nothing John could do would work. Finally after two hours of searching for people who did telepathy, John decided to sleep on it.

* * *

School was easier for John because he was no longer considered "a freak". John would have been happier had the world not been in constant danger. What really surprised John was that there was nothing of destruction on the news or online. John thought he would be more relaxed after his legs were fixed, but he felt five times worse. He could do sports again; he had friends, why should he feel bad? Another thing he was wondering was if he was feeling five times worse, how come the dragons weren't trying to find him? So many questions bubbled inside John's head, all of which John didn't know how to find the answer.

After that day at school when John thought of those questions, he decided to take the long way home, which also meant going through the subway station. San Francisco was a confusing and big place. John lived twenty miles from his school. When he didn't have legs, a special bus always came and picked him up to take him to school. Now that his parent's memories had been erased, and his legs had been fixed, he had to walk to school. Throughout the month after his encounter with Lenrog, John found a series of shortcuts for a faster trip home.

Anyway, as John went down the steps into the underground passages, another voice entered his mind, just like Lenrog had done. It said Your looking for someone who knows telepathy correct?

John didn't have a problem with the weird voice because after being confronted by a ten story tall dragon so he replied without hesitation Yes, can you do it?

Of course, how do you think I'm talking to you, what do you think I am, a dragon? Ha!

John decided that he probably shouldn't mention that even though that was the whole purpose of the hard search. Where are you? Are you close?

I'm sitting 40 yards away from you.


Look over your left shoulder.

John slowly turned his head while keeping his body stationary and looked straight in that direction. All he saw was a hobo on a rugged old blanket and the classic gloves that don't even keep their hands warm. He was unshaven, curled up in a ball with a gray torn beanie on his head. He was the only person there.
