My First Blog Post

September 02nd, 2007 | Category: Mr. Wilkoff/Langauge Arts

Authentic writting prompts are important to me because they make me enjoy writting and make me want to write more. Here are some ideas of some authentic writting prompts.

1. Why is it important to write?

2. Why is it impotant to read?

3. Why is it important to get an education? Is it important?

4.What does it mean to “Build Charector”

5. Do your friends change your life? Why? How?

6.Is it good to have some teachers who you dislike? Why or why not?

7. Do what sports you play effect your personality?

8.Would you rather hace electives first thing in the day or in the afternoon? Why? How would that effect your day?

9. What is the most important subject that you must learn about?

10. How does what we learn in school effect our personality? Does it? How?