Chapter 11

John was very scared now, but he couldn't think of anything to do except ask Lenrog, What the heck was that all about?

You have to understand that we don't have time.

Well at this point I don't think it matters seeing as we don't have a chance.

Fine, when you told him your name I was right outside, so when I heard it I zoomed back to yours while you occupied him. I knew he would come and destroy you. I forgot to mention that no names should be mentioned. Anyway, when he arrived, I was there waiting for him, and since you couldn't protect yourself, I did it for you. I didn't expect for him to go to mine and I knew if he got inside then I was doomed. I did the only thing I could, denied all access to my mind, including myself, causing me to fall into a painful sleep. It is one of the last resorts for dragons. The way to get back is the hardest and most ancient secrets that my family discovered. But now we need to warn everyone!

Who's going to believe us?

Were telepathic, who won't believe us is the appropriate question. We can be their conscience, voice of reason, anything.

So how exactly are who going to do that! Lenrog gave him a face, not just any face but one that says: The world is about to be destroyed, we're telepathic, and you have no idea how to warn anyone?!

Oh. Sorry, I kind-of blacked out there. Lenrog's eyes were still as wide open as they could go as he was looking at John like he knew he should have found a smarter person with "determination". For the second time, this time John and Lenrog, exited the mind bubble and headed for who they especially needed to warn; Robert Gates, aka, the Secretary of Defense. The only thing that John had on his mind as Lenrog was carrying him so they could travel almost at the speed of sound was how they were going to know which bubble it was. They didn't have time to check every label in the world of minds, that would take all the time they needed to actually prepare for the attack on America. As always, Lenrog knew his question before he could ask so he answered, When you’re this experienced with the wonders of the mind, the names magically appear once you get close enough. Also did you notice that when I first taught you that my bubble was right beside yours?


Well they were right next to each other because in real life we were right next to each other. The minds are stationary; our souls are the ones that move. Look, were approaching the correct bubble, it's show time. With that they preformed their usual "I mean no harm" saying so they could pass, and just then another thought came to John. How could the lead dragon enter his mind if he did mean harm? Of course Lenrog easily answered, first off, his name is Blakring, and we dragons are so good at lying, that we could say anything and, as long as it's reasonable, anyone will believe us. Don't worry, I never lied to you.

They were now inside the most powerful man's, in terms of weapons, mind. Would you like to do the honors? Lenrog asked.

Of course. Mr. Gates! We have important information that you might want to hear.

Who said that came the booming voice of the secretary from every direction since he didn't know telepathy.

What are you doing? Lenrog asked with a touch of panic in his voice, We're supposed to be his conscience. Let me handle it. I am your conscience and I must warn you that a terrible attack is coming.

What? Once again came the booming voice.

An attack, of creatures that are here because of Global Warming, in order to stop them you must tell them to finish the machine before the end of the week. Go, now!

Okay, whatever you say. He replied and he left the conversation.

I know you must have a lot of questions, Lenrog said very softly, but let's continue this outside. And so they exited the bubble.

I looked through his mind and found that they're secretly working on a project to stop Global Warming, which is what you said was causing the dragons to emerge correct?

Yes but--

If they can finish that, then it could force the dragons to retreat back into the earth.


No I'm just playing with you, of course really what do you think? In Antarctica they’re working on something that will harness the Arctic weather, causing it to stay cooler in the atmosphere. So if they hold up their end of the deal, then we have it in the bag. The only thing we need to do now is get to Washington D.C., which is easy seeing as I can get us a bag of money in a matter of minutes.

Then off to Washington D.C.!

* * *

John and Rick climbed off the bus right in front of the Pentagon. Their flight was very comfortable seeing as Lenrog had gotten them first class seats. It was too bad they couldn't enjoy the non-stop ticket because there were more important matters at hand, getting in the line of command. They walked up to the front gate and not to their surprise they found guards that were heavily armed. "What is your business here?" the first one asked. "Do you know that you’re in a restricted government space?" the second one continued. Lenrog and he had already gone over this on the plane. John cleared his mind, went into theirs, and told them that they had to let them through. John was surprised how easy it was to manipulate the human mind; he always thought that something was going to immediately go wrong.

The guards let them pass and once they were in, everyone actually thought they were some of the researchers in defense. They needed to get to the secretary. It took a few minutes to find him but it wasn't that hard using telepathy, and during the second conversation with him as his conscience, he really believed that two people who knew about the attack was coming to talk to him about it. Technically that was exactly what they were but obviously they weren't official.

They came to a passageway that was the way to the secretary and when they exited they found themselves in front of the secretary of defense. "Gentlemen," he said as he moved forward to shake their hands, "What can you tell me about this attack?"

To cut a long story short, John and Lenrog convinced Mr. Gates to help in the attack and to finish the Global Warming machine faster. The only downside was that all dragons would soon have to move underground, and John would have gained many things from this adventure. All was well, just one week until the world was at peace. Too bad a story can't be a story unless something bad happens to the end plan.

"Sir?" said one of Robert Gate's right hand men.

"What is it?" he replied.

"The machine was recently destroyed by some kind of bird lizard thing. Both John and Lenrog's faces turned pale white. "Oh and there's something big and white headed toward the Pentagon. I know you won't believe me, but it looks a little like a dragon from a fantasy." While everyone else was dumbfounded, both John and Lenrog sprinted towards the door. The place was so big, that they were out of breath by the time they got there.

Their worst nightmare was true, the five story Blakring was coming their way, and they were defenseless. Then they were all doomed!!!!

End of Part 1