
Hampsters - I created this voicethread because I had finished the Alliteration one, and me and Emily were bored sooo......we created this hampster one because hampsters are adorable.

Alliteration with bunnies - This one was created because it was an ELT project and me and Emily chose alliteration. Also bunnies are adorable!!!!!


Rodolfo - This was a very short novel that I created in late November of 2007. At the time I was obsessed with the name Rodolfo and I was obsessed with ferrets......for like a day.

Governments and Countries - We had to do this for Social Studies. And I got a 4 so I was proud of it.

Meals - You could not imagine how bored I was when I wrote this. Well anyway its about how we only eat breakfast food for breakfast lunch for lunch and dinner for dinner.

Radio Drama - the best idea for a radio drama ever to exist in the history of the world!!! ITs about a sheep, a president, and an assassin.