Breanna Digital portfolio


8th Grade Ims

7th Grade Utopia

7th Grade Blog

8th Grade Blog

Other things to remember:

At the beginning of seventh grade I came in and tried really hard all the time. I always tried to make everything perfect and I was disapointed if i didn't get 100% on a test. I remember having an assigned seat next to Ania in science and how we always got the same scores and finished assignments at the same time (which by the way, was usually about a hour after the rest of the class). I was always tired because I spent so long on my homework, and I was playing alot of volleyball. I was playing for the school (during that I became best friends with Anna S.), a doubles tornament every saterday and sunday, gold crown, and privets with jim (FRVBC). I didn't know anyone in my GT classes except Cody (who I didn't talk to the whole first year of middle school) and I was trying to make friends. I sat at the table during lunch with all the other GT girls (except Ania and Taylor who sat at a different table most of the time) and since I had all my core classes with the same people those were my friends. Somewhere in the end of 3th quarter I started talking to Taylor (L.) and I realized that see had been in all my classes all year (exept homeroom) and that I really hadn't talked to her. I asked her if she wanted to have lunch at our table since she was in our classes and she did. A little after that I decided I was going to change things up that had been the same all year (this was forth quarter) and I got some of my friends to come with me to sit at another table. A few weeks later everyone except Taylors (C. and L.) and Anna had gone back to the "GT girls table" So then for the second time I had a few best friends. Sometime after that we split, Taylor (L.) had gotten all 9 of the girls in my classes to stop talking to me. Believe me life isn't all that fun when there are only 9 girls that you see in all your classes and none of them will talk to you. Taylor (C.) and I then became best friends (o and by the way we didn't nessicarly like the other Taylor). Somehow Radha and Breanne ended up sitting at a lunch able with us and then we had a group of four. And that was how 7th grade ended.

Other 7th grade memories:

    • Valentines Day when Erin, Taylor (L.), Shannon, and I wore dresses and heels