Chapter 8

John was very happy and confident that someone would pay attention to their emanate demise. Things were looking up, until one night John was watching the news. The news man said, "Scientists in China have now discovered that a new virus has been released. They don't know exactly what it does, but they're pretty sure it has a huge affect on the voice box."

They won't be analyzing it for long, thought John; Rick had said half of China had been destroyed, could this "virus" be part of their destruction? What if it was causing people to go mute, then we couldn't defend ourselves! No communication would mean the end of the world. It was the end of the world anyway since the dragons were already destroying stuff but if no one could speak then the world had even less time. And John’s article would be for not seeing as no one could tell their friends about his warning. The article was to get the word out, gossip was supposed to get the warning out. John was suddenly panicking and he wasn't even certain that anything was wrong yet. He should have just calmed down but after all of that paranoia about the mute virus, John couldn't just sit back and relax, he couldn't wait for it to lie out, what if the dragons were releasing the disease, then John needed to stop it, and the only way to do that was to contact Lenrog. But Rick had said that it was impossible. But John was sure it could be done, what reason was there for it to be impossible? John decided to go talk to Rick so he could at least try to get in contact with Lenrog.

John dashed out of the house using his newly repaired legs and headed toward the subway. Running so fast and causing a lot of blood flow substituted for a coat, which John was too stupid to bring, although his ears were quite cold from the fall air. Once he reached the steps leading into the subway, Rick's telepathic voice entered his head. Back so soon?

John replied with a question, why can't you contact Lenrog? A frown appeared on Rick’s rugged face.

That isn't what I said; I said that I couldn't convince them to stop their annihilation of the earth. I can contact them. But I won't because there is no purpose for it and it takes a lot of energy. I knew without reading your mind that you wanted to contact them so they could stop the disease. With your determination it would be common but as I said before, you would need emotion, which they hate. With reading your mind I know that you are wondering why they don't have any emotion. That is simple, you know that they had to eat each other for food, well it is much like alligators, the mothers sometimes ate their young. How do you think your mother would feel if she ate you? Depressed, so in order to survive the pain, dragons had to throw all of their emotion away.

Then teach me telepathy John eagerly asked Rick.

You’re just wasting your time--

I don't care; I'll try because I don't want for all of us to die, and why aren't you more concerned with this?

Fine I will teach you, it's not like I have anything better to do.

Good, when can we start? It better be soon because the world doesn't have much time.

Tomorrow's fine. Meet me at the park, in order to do this we need a quiet environment.

John was satisfied with his offering, or really acceptance of teaching him telepathy. The next day John met Rick at the park to begin his training. He was determined to learn no matter how hard. As he walked down the same path in which he had rolled down many time before, he spotted Rick directly under the same oak tree where John had always analyzed his crummy life. But what was strange was that Rick wasn't the same hobo that John knew from the subway, he was in a suit, along with a cane and a big top hat. He looked like a million bucks.

"Glad to see me?" Rick said with a smile as John approached him, "Shall we start?"