The Cast

These are the people in your group:

1. The Pilot- age forty-six, big and strong. Owner of most of the supplies.

2. The Co-Pilot- age twenty-nine, wiry and strong, but clumsy also.

3. The Surgeon- age thirty-four, average in size and strength. Brilliant with medicine and sciences (including chemistry and physics). Alex

4. The Actor- age thirty, strong, but a trifle lazy.

5. The Fisherman- age twenty-four, very strong. Good skills with cooking, sewing, organizing.

6. The Millionaire- age thirty, severely obese, slow, but good resourceful. Good with economics, budgeting of resources, and accounting.

7. The Craftsman (if needed to round out groups)- age forty-seven, Skilled in carpentry and mechanics. Interested in survivalism and wargaming.

Note: All are in relatively good health with no injuries from the crash.


Age 46



Gets annoyed very easily

Love to have fun

Black Hair


Some times overreacts


Good leader


Bad sense of humor ( has stupid jokes)

comes to really like actor




Strong and wiry

Blond, wavy hair

6' 1"

Very clumsy

Can help with lifting heavy things

Seemingly Destructive

Tries to help, but usually makes it worse

Sometimes lazy if he thinks something is to much

He always does his part

Likes to make friends

Skilled in climbing and flight patterns


Likes to make jokes

Life of the party

Jeans, Air force uniform, pilots hat, metal badge, boots, and an under t-shirt

Pen in shirt pockets

Has high stamina

Surgeon: Alex

Age 34

Skilled with a knife


Can make medicine

out of virtually anything

Believes in cooperation

Can mend anything

Wearing jeans, undershirt, long-sleeved tee, and a tee shirt

Smartest in the group

Found a way to make meds from poison ivy

Actor: Kyle

Age 30




pays people to do his work for him

tall 6' 3"

short tempered


Comes to like to Co- Pilot

Fisherman: Jeremy

Age 24

Very Strong

Good at organization

Skilled at Fishing

Can make a traditional fire

Cooks with traditional fire

Sews dresses

Good sense of humor

Wearing blue t-shirt, sandals, jeans, and a straw hat.


Mad 70% of the time

Not a people person

Needs something to complain about all of the time.

Knows good food from bad food

Feeds everyone

6' 2''

Millionaire: Joe

Age 30

Content with everyone in group

Will work well with everyone

Not very strong but very smart

Has on a black ripped tux with pants.

Very good with money, accounting, budgeting.

Not very fast and does not have much stamina.

Resourceful and happy with everyone and never gets very mad.



Carpenter: Lex

Age 47

Very strong


Can do anything from fixing cars to building houses.

Can also do blacksmith work

Specializes in earthquake proofing houses



Wearing Jeans, t-shirt, and sweatshirt

Can wield weapons if needed to

The opposite of lazy

Always does his part and usually does more

Does not tire easily

Always over confident/cocky

Despises things without a purpose

Has strong opinions

Doesn't like annoying people or people who don't do their share of work

Respects and trusts everyone unless you do something to make him not like you.

Very smart.

Not resourceful
