

This site is meant to be the place where you collect all of the learning objects that you have created over the year. It is a place where you will look back upon what you have done and start to draw conclusions about what you have done as a student this year, and how much progress you have made. You will be able to think back to the very early stages of your blogging and google document creation and find the first sparks of inspiration. Don't be afraid to include the things that weren't a part of an assignment. Be proud of your authenticity and creativity. Be truthful about how much you worked this year. Most of all, though, just put yourself onto the page: all of the tiny pieces you have created this year may add up to more than you expect.


Go to your blog, your google docs, your server folder, your voicethread account, and anywhere else that would have digital artifacts from this year and start embedding them into the page that you create just for yourself. Under each piece, write at least one sentence about what you created and why you are proud of it. For the pieces that mean more to you, do a little bit more reflection and talk about how they have changed the way you write or create. I would like you to shoot for at least 20 different pieces that you have created (or collaborated on). You do not have to put every piece of writing you did this year on this page. Rather, please choose only the things that you would like to show off to others.