Chapter 3

Going to school was tough for John, he was always the one to get picked on, but the teachers didn't believe him when he told them that he was getting bullied. They were complete idiots; they said that no one would be so heartless and cruel as to bully a kid in a wheelchair. John wished that they all couldn't walk and then they would see how hard it is for a kid to not have any friends, come home with a new bruise every day, and be the silent laughing stalk of the whole school.

The worst of it all was that he wasn't very smart. He was an athlete before his legs were beaten to the bone. He did fine in school because sports got him the extra credits in order to move up each year, he had absolutely no academic talent at all so life was even tougher for him than just in a personal life.

Obviously he thought of committing suicide to get out of this hell, but his parents made sure that there were absolutely no weapons at all in their house so he couldn't end his life and be happy. It made him so angry!!!

After several months of abnormal mood swings every day, John thought he was going crazy. It didn't matter if he was mad, sad, thrashing, crying, or sighing; something like a giant bird just kept appearing out of nowhere. He could have sworn that he saw a green reptile laying in a meadow on the first Tuesday of August. Nothing made sense anymore and all he wanted to do was escape all of it. Why did it have to be him?

After weeks of the hallucinations, John decided to search for abnormally large birds on the Internet. What he found was that the largest bird in the world was an Ostrich, that the Stork lived in South America and Florida, and that no green birds are extremely large.

But one result said something about the mythological creatures, dragons. What it said was that they were fire-breathing beast from folk tale. It also said that it had special magical abilities that are unpredictable. But what really caught John's attention was that they could sense intense feelings. He was having an awful lot of feelings lately. Was he seeing dragons? But they were just folk legends. He was very worried right now, if a dangerous man-eating beast was tracking him, he did have the worst luck in the world. He was already disabled, isn't that enough?

He tried to convince himself that he was just seeing things but the mirages just kept coming. He didn't tell anyone because one: they'd just make fun of him, two: they'd beat him up for no reason because he came up within five feet of them. Life was truly horrible for John. He had no friends, no legs, no respect, and now he was seeing things.