Tedfish's Digital Portfolio

Hi, and welcome to the 2007/08 school year digital portfolio of Tedfish! This contains everything digital that I created. I hope you enjoy this page. For more pieces of writing by me please visit my blog at academyofdiscovery.com/tedfish

In November people around the world attempted to write 50000 words. This was my attempt at 50000. I only got about 5000 words. This story is about a young boy who gos on a cruise, also on the cruise ship are terrorists. Despite any fear the main character rises to the occasion and almost stops the terrorists. Unfortunately I never got a chance to edit this piece of writing, I apologize for the multiple spelling and grammar errors.

This is a voice thread I made with karatydolphi during ELT (extended learning time).

The following piece of writing is my best piece of writing ever! I love planes, I love the sensation of take off and for a very long time I had wanted write a piece that put the reader in a plane taking off. This is that piece. I hope you think it is awesome.

The following is my personal curriculum. Our language arts teacher asked us to do a project on anything we wanted. As you may have read above, I love planes and as you may guess I did this project on flying a plane. I tried to embed a video but Google didn't let me, I apologize for the inconvenience. Please enjoy.

The following are 2 essays that I wrote this year. Our teacher wanted our class to write an esssy with a thesis, these are 2 essays I wrote, both of which have a thesis. The first essay is on the book Dragonwings and the 2nd is Taking Sides. Personally I think the Dragonwings essay is better, but see what you think.

I wasn't always in this language arts class. As a result I wrote the following piece of writing in order to get into m current language arts class.

For our utopia unit we did a survival situation. There were three groups of 6 students each, each person had a job and the goal was to create a society that couldn't be torn apart. Here is the work we did.

For our utopia unit we also had develop a Utopian society Here is the link to that site. Link

During our utopia unit our class read Harrison Bergeron, after we finished rading the book our class broke up into groups. Each answered a set of questions, but there was a catch. Each person had a disability or an ability, like in Harrison Bergeron w had to try to amke a perfect community and accommodate each disability so that nobody felt less than any other person. Here is our work.