
What is purpose? Does everything have purpose? Why does it have to have purpose? Can things have the same purpose as others? Can one thing have more than one purpose? Is the question of purpose why religion was created? Could they not think of an explanation? But what I really want to know is, why hasn't anyone tried to figure this out?

Can things have two or more purposes? Sinks were made for washing your hands and washing food. But then we added the garbage disposal. That's not what the sink was made for. It was something added to the sink as a treat, or that is something to make it better. But it isn't even part of the sink, so the sink has two purposes while the garbage just makes it better. Which is what our society is based on, making things better. Would you use a sink without a garbage disposal? Probably not. We think we need things with multiple functions/ purposes, otherwise they're worthless, but what about our purpose? Do we have more than one purpose, or are we worth nothing? Most people believe that we all have a purpose, as in non-plural. But that doesn't mean we don't have more than one purpose. That answers that things can have more than one purpose, but the next time your at the store and you see a toaster has a built in plasma TV, doesn't mean it's better, it just has two purposes.

Can things have the same purpose as others? For this I think water is a great example. We use it to clean our crap off the face of the community but destroy the environment. We use it to drink and it is the most important thing we need to keep us alive. We use it to wash out hands and other items. We use it to wet our toothbrushes. And we use it to keep plants alive which provide the air we breathe. As you can see it's very important and we waste it for the wrong reasons, unfortunately I'm not investigating that. The first use can also include cleaners such as Windex. It cleans windows but also kills animals if it's washed out into the community. The third one can also have certain acids to wash other things. Even nail polish remover is something we use to clean our hands. Once again it is a yes to the question, things can have the same purpose.

Does everything have a purpose? This is one of the things that I've always wondered about. Depending on your religion, God put us on the Earth for a purpose, but the bible also says it was to worship him. So do we another purpose? I bet we do because everyone does at least one thing that makes a difference in the world. Even lazy jerks who mooch off people for money have purposes; being a pain in the butt. This means that all humans and animals or just organisms in general have a purpose, but what about pointless products. Like the back light straight cutter. This is really exciting for me because finally I get to make fun of this extremely stupid product. Now the set up is just like a regular straight cutter, except it has a back light down the entire cutter and about an inch thick that goes from one end to the other of the rails that the cutter slides on. This is supposed to help tell you where your cutting before it's too late. First, the commercial starts with a person cutting pictures with succors. She's cutting fines then she changes direction by at least 45 degrees and goes back to the line. Who in their right mind would do that? Then they show a normal cutter. They purposely, of course, cut it horribly so that there are 1 1/2 & 1/2 pictures left. Then they introduce the craft lite cutter. They show the back light and cut the same picture and cut the straight line. They take out one of the two pictures but leave the other there. The first one has a straight line on it but who knows if the other is messed up? If they wanted to fool somebody into buying their product, they should have thought it through. The backlight doesn't work, they overdid the exaggeration, and their product is twice as expensive as 5 cutters for something that doesn't work. Despite all of that, everything does have a purpose, but some have really stupid or non-useful ones so there isn't a point to it.

Why do things have to have a purpose? Whenever I think about this, I always answer it with another question. Should the item really be here if it doesn't have a purpose? That would just make it pointless. But who uses a pointless item? There isn't any need for such a thing. Things that don't have a purpose, which makes them Nothing. Nothing as oppose to nothing. Nothing isn't existence as in blank, poof. The nothing is nothing as in something. Trash would be what you call nothing. It's something even though it's nothing in value. That means everything, even things without value, have a purpose because they’re something.

Is the question of purpose why religion was created; and could they not think of an answer? As I was doing this project, I asked myself why do we have purpose? My first thought ran to religion because the bible says that we are all here for a purpose. But what if we aren't. Then this whole project will mean nothing. I've proved all of these facts, but only if purpose exists. If you think about it, and don't call me an atheist, but people might have just mad gods up to determine an answer for this question. And as much as I rack my brain for an answer, nothing can be answered yes or no. Perhaps you can think of an answer, but unless you are, or know a medium, there isn't an answer. I can't even answer the second of these questions. We still don't know all of the ancient languages. Perhaps one of them did find and answer, but as far as we know, we still don't know if they did determine the reason or not. For now, this question remains unanswered.

Why hasn't anyone tried to figure this out? This question is irrelevant now thanks to the last questions. Or is it? I believe they have by creating religion, maybe depending if they were right or not, but perhaps the reason that no one has tried to figure this out is no one cares. People just go on with life and waste the gift itself. Especially kids. All they want to do is grow-up. But they won't ever be a child again, they can't ever get the special treats again, the same type of love from a parent anymore, just the extreme work of being an adult. No one cares about their true purpose, just their dream job or life. If they were meant to sew, they wouldn't care. They'd try to make it so that they worked at a bar. If no one cares about purpose, then why would they figure it out? Your purpose in life is the most important thing in your life; unfortunately people don't make a big deal about it enough to know that. Reader, thank you for taking the time to read this, because now you know what you must do to make your life whole, find your purpose. I also think it is impossible to find your true purpose until by some random event you will magically end up doing it. Steve Pavlina who has his own website to help develop your life into a more whole person thinks you can find your purpose in 20 minuets. Purpose isn't something you can simply find by reading stuff on the Internet, it is special and inside of you.

Finally, what is purpose? We've determined things can have two or more of them, things can have the same as others, everything has one, things have to have them to become something, religion smudges it up into something we can't interpret, and that no-one cares about it enough to stop and think how important it is. This concludes that it is: existence. We can have two or more things in existence, things can exist for the same reason as others, everything exists otherwise it would be nothing, we can't ever know why we exist because every religion says something different, and no-one stops and appreciates that we even exist. We should be thankful for it, not throw it back into its face. Purpose has always challenged us to search or brains for the most difficult answers, when it was just hidden by religion, which could be the purpose of religion, but our purpose is to exist. And who knows, you could have more than one purpose so get out there and live you life like you should.