Ania's Digital Portfolio

I started out my career in middle school with a fresh, innocent face. I didn't know about anything in public school and I found out a lot about myself, too. I also made a "perfect place" for me, or a utopia, in which I explored what a perfect environment would be for me. I also wrote a lot and a lot more.

Memorable Moments:

    • The downtown field trip in 8th grade was hilarious and really annoying. There was one time in which a message came to me through test messaging and Mrs Chenoweth (my science teacher) started yelling about saving it and keeping it, because she thought it would self-erase itself like in a mission impossible movie or something.

    • Olivia and I would say "Oh Oh hey team go team." and I would always crack up.

    • At the end of the year, we went outside (as 8th graders) and Breanna showed me how to laugh by lining up your weenuses and pressing and I remember it was a very strange feeling. :) :) :)

    • The Rock Lobster convention was quite interesting and Dan, Ed, Bryce, Trey, Jordan, and Zach were HILARIOUS.

    • Once Taylor spelled nerd wrong and spelled it "nurd" and me and Shannon would say "You are a nerd spelled with a u" as an insult.

    • When I went to Carrie's dance recital, her dad and I were making fun of this one girl that didn't know what she was doing.

    • In Oscar's phone, the T9 program made my name Anus in his phone hahahahahahahaha.