The Goals

General Goals:

    • What are your immediate goals as a group, that is, what do you think needs to be done in your first week on the island?

    • What are your mid-range goals as a group, that is, what do you think needs to be done in the second through eighth weeks on the island?

    • What are your long-range goals as a group, that is, what would you like to strive for in the long-run (over eight weeks)?

Political Goals:

    • How will decisions that affect the group be made? Popular vote. We will be a republic. Who will make these decisions?

    • How will these decisions be enforced if violated?

    • How will problems be solved?

    • What other "rules for living" will you make? Why?

Economic Goals:

    • What jobs will need to be done? How will you decide who does each job?

    • How will you decide how to divide up the belonging that you have now? Who gets to "own" or "possess" them?

    • What "rules for ownership and possession" will you make for things that will be made or found in the future? Why?

    • How will possessions be divided up?

Other Goals:

    • Will you make rules for marriage and families? Why? If yes, then what will those rules be?


    • What does your island look like?

    • What are the major features that affect your society?

Our island is a circle, half of which is surrounded by mountains and cliffs. The other half is open. Our buildings are built by the mountains house

General goals:

Immediate Goals:

    • We need to build a shelter in our first week there.

    • We need to determine food and water sources.

    • Learn to hunt

    • Learn the quickest ways around the island

    • Find things to make fire

Mid-Term Goals:

    • Explore more of the island and search for a more reinforced shelter

    • Identify poisonous things

    • Make a food shelter, away from the animals

    • Learn the three main jobs ( building, fishing/hunting, and basic medicine)

    • Find something like a cave to shelter from the worst of elements

    • Determine wood sources so we can build things and also get shade on hot days

Longterm Goals

    • Build fortress and expand camp.

    • Get rescued

Other Goals

    • Create medicine

Political Goals:

    • We will be a Democracy

Economic Goals

    • We want to have a booming economy