Brook's Portfoilo

Looking back on the past two years of middle school, there's so much to say, and so many memories, memories I hope are always with me.

7th and 8th grade were completely different, but they both had their highlights and lowlights. I walked into the first day thinking that it was going to be horrible. I had heard that discovery was the worst team, and all there was was a bunch of nerds. Now that I'm about to leave, I wish I could stay. I wouldn't have wished to be on any other team besides discovery. I've made bonds with people that can never be broken, I became friends with people I never thought I would, and I learned so much about myself, and what kind of person I hope to become. None of that wold have been possible if it werent for the teachers, or friends I have.

7th grade:

7th grade was the best year, I had so much fun, way more fun then I expected to have. This was the year I discovered the boys. Which maybe wasn't the best thing now that i look back, but it was very enlightening. 7th grade was my slacker year though. I never tried or applied myself it was all about having a good time. Daniela, Erin, Trey, Dan, Adam, Jordan, and Eric. They were my click. We did everything together. We shared food at lunch (well everyone except me) The memory that sticks out most for that year was after CSAP, the whole team went outside for about two hours, but me and my gang stayed inside the classroom, unsupervised and listen to music. Well Trey of course being Trey got on the tables and started stripping to Brittney Spears, and I couldn't forget Daniela and I forcing Dan and Erin to kiss. The things we did were probably not considered PG, but we were crazy and we didn't care about anything. The downtown Denver field trip was also the best thing that year. Ms. Lornell was amazing and we did whatever we wanted. Even if I missed out on a bunch of inside jokes because I was fighting with Eric in the back of the bus, it still was a great experience. I ate more on that field trip then any other school day. We had Starbucks three times, Chipotle, and Jamba Juice.