What If's

    1. What if one of your group members is injured and is unable to work?

    2. What if a very contagious disease breaks out?

    3. What if someone dies?

    4. What if the bugs annoy us?

    5. What if a large fire burns up our wood and a large amount of the forest and some of our huts?

    6. What if someone gets lost?

    7. What If somebody goes crazy and/or insane and tries to kill us all?

8. What if all of the food on the island was used up?

9. You can still fish some more, but where does the meat and other protein come in?

10. What if a forest fire happened and burned up all of your resources and wood?

11. What if a tsunami hits?

12. What if a heat wave hits?

13. What if there is a severe dose of loneliness in the group?

14. What if there is a major argument in the group?

15. What if we start to lose strength and become very weak?

16. What if the fresh water gets contaminated?

17. What if all of the food goes bad?

18. What if someone goes crazy?

19. What if an alligator attacks?

20. What if a troop of monkeys steals some if not all of the food?

21. What if a vicious tiger attacks?

22. What if we run out of paper?

23. What if someone goes to live with the monkeys and refuses to come back?

24. What if someone can't swim and falls into the rushing river?

25. What if there is treasure on the island and we go crazy?

26. What if half the people go on a scouting trip and never come back?

27. What if we find birds who like to drop poison from a plant on our food?

28. What if we run out of clothes?

29. What if someone breaks every bone in their body?

30. What if your house/hut gets ruined in the storm?

31. What if there is an earthquake?

32. What if someone hoards food?

33. What if there is a lightning storm?

34. What if someone deserts the group?

    1. The surgeon will tend to him immediately and if its the surgeon, he will give us each a procedure for minor situations.

    2. The fisherman, which knows good food from bad food, will feed them healing food.

    3. Then that person will have taught someone else to do their job and they will be buried.

    4. The fisherman will build a fire to scare them off.

    5. The fisherman, Pilot, Co-Pilot, or Actor (not likely) will go and get some more. There will be some because it's a 5 square mile island.

    6. The fisherman will teach everyone how to make a fire and they can make a fire for a signal. Then the group will send another signal.

    7. The Pilot will either hit them over the head with a steel crate or fire a shot at the leg so the other members can pin him and the surgeon can tend to him.

    8. The fisherman will go and get fish.

    9. The Pilot will go hunting everyday with the fisherman and if the animal is huge that could last for 2 weeks, then they will shoot it.

    10. We will dampen everything meaning the huts and everything in them and the extreme resources will be buried.

    11. All of the houses will be built next to a mountain range and the tsunami will die out before five square miles.

    12. Are you kidding? There are a million freaking trees on the dang island, get shade.

    13. They are required to speak up and everyone else, unless in mortal peril, will go be with them, unless someone else is dying then one person will stay with that person.

    14. Everyone will talk it over without shouting, and find what the problem is and immediately fix it.

    15. There are two options; 1: Everyone will work an equal amount. or 2: The fisherman (since he's the strongest) will yell like a drill Sargent "Drop and give me 20!!!"

    16. We will boil it to kill all the harmful bacteria.

    17. All the food can't go bad on a huge island, we will consistently hunt to find food.

    18. We already answered that but if it is that important if he is interrupting all group activities or jeopardizing all our lives, we will abandon him. If he is not doing that, we will just have to cope with him.

    19. Throw a crate at it and crush its head or shoot it.

    20. We will find the group of monkey's home and chop down their tree and take the food back.

    21. Do the same thing that we did with the alligator.

    22. Who freaking cares if we run out of stupid paper? Just use a leaf to wipe your butt.

    23. Then we find their tree again and chop it down as payback.

    24. It's called the swimming buddy system.

    25. If there is treasure we won't have the need for if because there is nothing that can be bought by the treasure.

    26. IT'S ONLY FIVE SQUARE MILES!!! But look on the positive side, more food for us.

    27. What kind of stupid dumb bird drops freaking poison from a plant on our food?

    28. How will we run out of clothes? Is the stupid bird going to take it, or will it be the monkeys? Take shade during the day and have a fire at night until the fisherman makes more.

    29. How many times have you seen someone live after they've broken every bone in their body? This is the same answer as 3.

    30. Use the axe to get more wood, then the carpenter will make more.

    31. The carpenter specializes in earthquake proofing houses.

    32. Our millionaire, who is a psychiatrist (that's how he made his money), will find out why they are steeling food and stop them.

    33. RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!! To the valley.

    34. That's their problem. If they die, get hurt, "breaks every bone in their body", or "goes to live with the monkeys", they're on their own.