Mason's Portfolio

List of All Memorable Assignments and Activities

    • Social Studies Debates

    • Utopias (My Utopia)

  • Utopia Home

    • Denver Field Trip (7th Grade)

    • Denver Field Trip (8th Grade)

    • Zoo Projects

    • Blogging

    • Books

Middle school was a strange experience. It was as different from elementary school as a vegetable is from a fruit. It was simply school, with school comes homework and many long boring days wasting my time on something I'm never going to use. This was especially true with math class. I learned one useful equation (no offense to Ms. Lornell) Me+Math=Confusion+Boredom. Other than math, my classes continued to change, generally, they were boring (although not as bad as math) every now and then we would have a debate or something sort of exciting, but for the most part it was quite dull. The most memorable part of Middle School was that only a few parts of it were memorable, as listed above.