Dane G's Digital Portfolio

My Authentic Speech:

When will the world notice? When will the factories, the companies, the house makers... figure out what they have done? Our beautiful trees are being destroyed. They are being torn leaf from leaf, limb from limb, and the burning flames inside them are being put out... just for paper. Just for wooden planks. Just for space so we can build and expand even more! Even the great trees of the Amazon rain forest are being trampled and demolished! The time is now! Rise up! We must stop them from cutting down our trees!

The Amazon of South America is precious to animals. Over 500 mammals, 175 lizards, over 300 other reptiles species, and one third of the world's birds live in the Amazon. It is estimated that about 30 million insect types can be found here. If there were no trees in the Amazon then many animals would not be able to survive. an example of that is the Sloth. It spends so much time in trees hanging upside down, its hair grows away from its belly. On the ground it is defenseless from predators. At its fastest, it travels 15 feet per minute, which could never out run any predator. If we take away their trees, they will become extinct before you can say whoops. But beside the animals, there are the plants. Rain forests have 170,000 of the world's 250,000 known plant species. The Amazon holds at least 40,000 plant species with many more waiting to be discovered. If we cut down its trees, the plants on the forest floor will be overloaded with sunlight and shrivel into black stalks; the plants in the under story will be robbed of their comforting shade and set to burn in the light; the canopy will fall with the trees and vanquish the many animals in it; and the huge and beautiful trees of the emergent layer will be cut down never to be seen again.

Imagine being one of those forest floor plants. Huge machines with heavy feet trample all over you and with their metal teeth they painfully cut your roots and bury you on their back along with moist dirt and other destroyed plants. When the noisy tree eaters slice through a tree it crashes down on you, crushing you, suffocating you, cutting you off from the light. How would you like that?

After all we have done to them, the trees in the Amazon still produce for us. The Amazon is responsible for more than 20% of the oxygen produced worldwide. If we cut them down, along with all the other forests we are destroying, we will be taking away a huge amount of our oxygen supply. How would you like to have to conserve your breath? Imagine if you had to buy oxygen in a bottle just to keep yourself alive. And other than oxygen they provide many foods like coffee, bananas, and cocoa. That's right. The amazing food called chocolate comes from there. Imagine if the Amazon was cut down and Hershey's went poof. No more delicious Hershey's chocolate. And think about the coffee beans that grow there. A lot of the world is dependent on the caffeine loaded drink to keep them from grumping through the whole day. Have you ever asked your mom or dad to get out some breakfast for you and they say, "Get your own breakfast. Man, kids are so spoiled these days". Then after drinking their coffee it's, "Hey! Can I make you an omelet? How about some toast?". If coffee goes out of their lives there would not be a morning person in the world.

The Amazon is vanishing at the rate of 20,000 square miles a year. If we don't do something to save it, it will disappear forever. There are many undiscovered plants in the Amazon. Some could even cure cancer or leukemia. The animals in it are beautiful and mysterious and some of them will disappear if the Amazon is cut down.

The power of one person has the potential of millions.

My Radio Broadcast:

Wulf 101.2

“Starving... In Queen Soopers”

An original radio drama by

Susheel Nalla, Vera Frolov, Dane Guberud, and Narmada Balaji


12345 Main St. August 29, 2005

Denver City, CO © 2007 Susheel Nalla

(323) 555-1234 All rights reserved.

Email@something.com author@whatever.com


Stupid 101.2

“Starving in... Queen Soopers”

Prod. #253465982734


Sound Effects - Susheel Nalla

(The Starving Girl) Ella - Narmada Balaji

Grocery Announcer: Vera

Carrot: Vera

Chex Mix: Dane

Bottle of Pepsi: Dane

Mother: Vera

Father: Susheel


(Elevator music starts playing, then quiets down during the whole broadcast. Vera will start talking)

Narrator: Today we will tell a story about a "challenged" girl named Ella who is starving, and trapped in a grocery store after closing. But before we tell that story, we have to tell this story. (turning page sounds) (wait 5 seconds, then start talking)

Ella was born a normal girl with no brain damage or mental disabilities. But one day, her mother took her on a bike ride and strapped her car seat onto the back of the bike. But she forgot to strap poor little Ella in, and she fell headfirst onto the pavement. They had to rush her to the emergency room to get a brain surgery. They took out part of her brain and from then on she had brain damage and is to this day physically challenged. Now then, Back to the story. ( Twinkling sounds)

One day, in Huston, Texas, Ella was walking around her block trying to find her house and she saw across the road a large building. She started reading the sign that was posted by the roof.

Ella: Kwa- kwa... kweeeeeeeen... soo.. soopahs. Kweeeen Sooopahs.

Narrator: Yep, the large building she ran into was Queen Soopers, the local supermarket in Huston, Texas. Thinking it was a hotel she could stay at until she found her house, she decided to go in.

Ella: I will stay here until I can post some "missing home" signs.

Narrator: But when Ella walked through the entrance, she found shelves upon shelves of magnificent things. yellow bags with tan leaves inside (Lays potato chips), a little bag with shining sticks(Pretzel Sticks), and triangular brown rocks wrapped in a sliver coating (Hershey Kisses). She walked through the isles, marveling at all the great treasures. And as they say, time passes when your having fun. Ella was so caught up in her finds that she lost track of time. Soon enough, she heard a strange voice come out of the ceiling. ( Throughout this narration Ella says, wow! and, Ooh!

Store Clerk: (Says in a boring voice) Store closing in 5 minutes. All customers go to the check out and check out... *Click*

Ella: Oh my gosh! I have 5 minutes to get to bed!

Narrator: Ella looked around for a room and saw some empty shelves.

Ella: Stairs! Got to go to bed. Good night world!

Narrator: She climbed the shelves, picked up a Chex Mix, put it under her head, and went to sleep (Snoring sounds)............. But then she was woken up by a sly, grumbling,whispering voice.

Mysterious Voice: Ella.... Ella.... wake up...... eat them! EAT THEM!!!!!!

Narrator: Ella awoke with a start and fell off the shelf. (Wait 5 seconds) She pushed herself up with her weak arms and rubbed her head.

Ella: Ow! My head hurts! And what was that strange voice?

Narrator: Suddenly a voice sounded from the top of the shelf.

Chex Mix: Hey are you okay? You fell off that high shelf

Narrator: Ella jumped up and looked at the top of the shelve where she was resting. The Check Mix she was using for a pillow was talking to her. Suddenly she heard grumbling around her.

Carrot: Hey, you! Come here! Eat me, I have vitamin A!

Ella: But I can't eat you guys! you're talking to me!!! If i do i'll be a murderder.

Chex Mix: But you have to. You're hungry.

Carrot: Yeah totally remember, your starving.

Ella:Oh that? Thats just my stomach. He's allways complaining that he doesnt get enough. But I AM NOT EATING YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Carrot: Well, whatever you say. Just remember, another 12 hours before food is available to everybody in the hotel. C'mon just sneak some. EAT ME.

Ella: No! I don't want to be a murderder

Chex Mix: You won't be. Besides, we like being eaten.

Ella: No! I WON'T!

Narrator: Ella ran from the isle crying, then took a sharp turn into the next isle over. Shel leaned up against the shelve and sobbed into her hands.

Ella: I don't want to eat them! They're my friends! (Narmada sobs)

Narrator: As she was doing this a circular figure had rolled up to her.

Bottle of Pepsi: Hey, wass the matter babe? You thirsty?

Ella: No, I'm sad because my new friends want me to eat them! I'm so sad.

Bottle of Pepsi: I know what will cheer you up. Take a nice, cool, refreshing drink of me. It'll make you feel like all that jazz.

Narrator: Ella, being mentally disabled, didn't realize that the bottle of pepsi was just like her food friends. She picked him up and drank the little bottle. But before she had finished, her sow mind caught up to her.

Sound of water being sprayed out

Ella: OH NO! You tricked me! How dare you? Why does everyone want me to eat them?!

Narrator: She threw the bottle across the isle and ran into the bathroom (running sound in background)

Ella: BOO HOO!

Narrator: Suddenly a sneaky voice sounded

Stomach: YOU HAVE TO GO AND EAT THEM! They are not your friends... THEY ARE YOUR PREY!!!!!


Narrator: Filled with sorrow, Ella ran into one of the toilet stalls (and stuck her head in the toilet, drowning her, but also her evil stomach........... (Wait 10 seconds) (Flushing sound)

(Thunder sounds)

Narrator: The next day....

Mother: Where is my daring, Ella?

Father: We never should have let her walk in the backyard ALL ALONE!!!

Narrator: Like Ella, they ran into Queen Soopers, and they thought they would give it a try.

Mother: Oh I'll be right back, I have to go to the bathroom

Father: Okay, I'll wait in front of the door.

(A piercing scream came from the bathroom)

Father: WHAT HAPPENED!!!!?????

Everybody: THE END!!!

My Authentic Story:

The Blood in the Suitcase


The dark green suitcase was alone... It fell through the nighttime sky, quivering with the force of wind whipping its leather exterior. A small bead of black blood dripped out of a crack in the case, then flew away. The case spun through the rain filled clouds, gathering condensation. It spun faster, growing closer and closer to the plains below. And then, CRACK! The suitcase impacted on the ground, seething with with so much energy the ground below it gave out, creating a small crater. The bolts securing the case shot off the with the force of a bullet and hit a nearby tree. The willow cracked in half sending a sound like a thunder clap across the grassy fields.

KA-KRAK! Jim Irving, a local farmer, looked out into the horizon wondering what the huge report could have been. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a plume of smoke rising from the middle of one of his wheat fields. "Not again," he muttered, "Them space rocks are gunu burn mah wheat fields to th' ground!" He turned on his heel and ran over to the spot. Meteors had been falling all over his farm, starting fires that destroyed everything within the fields. But what he saw was nothing like a meteor. Jim's eyes grew with wonder and fear as he saw a twisted olive green body laying unclothed inside a charred suitcase. And as the smoke cleared he could see that it wasn't from this world. For Jim, it was to much. He vomited into the crater then blacked out.

Chapter 1:Ezi

"Yo, Ezi! Get your scrawny human butt over here!" Yelled a huge Kezkling, its fat jiggling with anger. "Hold on you lard bucket! I'm still serving your 'friends' over here." Ezi said with a hint of sarcasm. Ezi, or Ezilium, was an assassin for Earth. He had dark brown hair and muddy brown eyes to go with. He was tall for a human, at 6'7'', and had strong, sinewy arms which he used to carry the huge multi beam gun he kept in a suitcase. "Don't get fresh with me Ezi, or ill knock your brains out." Chan said darkly. The Kezkling was a bar tender for the humans space port, located in Area 64, New Mexico. In 2070 aliens on Earth were common.

Earth was a trading post for all the galaxies in inhabitants. It had more natural resources than any other planet. Food, water, light, minerals, you name it. Species from all over came to reap the harvest. The resources though were rapidly decreasing. Someone was stealing from Earth. And that's where Ezi came in. He was an eagle eye for things gone awry and was the top detective in the world. The EPA (Earth Protection Agency) had sent him to find, and if necessary, kill the perpetrators. But recently he was working undercover as a waiter for Chan at his bar. He had a feeling that the criminals were close, and hanging around the space port would keep him close to every alien entering and leaving Earth.

"Ezilium! If you-" Chan began.

"I told you never to call me by that name!" Ezi roared. Chan cowered at Ezi's booming voice, then slowly got up. In a bone chilling voice he whispered, "You....You have been trouble to me ever since I hired you! You won't do your work, you wont obey me,"

Growing in tone he rasped, " All you want to do is watch my customers. You scour the bar in search of some non-existent criminal!"

Ezi looked at his steaming face. " How did you know I was here under police work?" Chan sneered. "Words been goin' around that you humans think that one of us is stealing your crops."

"And where did you hear this Chan...?"

Suddenly the alien went blank. He looked around trying to avoid Ezi's eyes, then said in a shaky voice, "U-um, th-the word, you know, has just, heh... been goin' around... Its not-" Ezi cut him off with a blaster barrel to his gut.

"I'm going to ask you one more time." He whispered in an icy voice, "Where did you hear this?" Chan tried to struggle out of his vice grip, but to no avail. "OK, OK! An Odan told me! He said that you were looking for an undercover job and if I kept you occupied here that he would pay me 500 gongs!"

Ezi looked at him with suspicion. "Who was this Odan?" Chan thought for a while, then "I didn't get his name, but he had an olive green body like the rest of their race and looked pretty rich. I mean if he can give me 500 gongs just as payment, then he must be some kind of king." Ezi stared at Chan in amazement. "The Odan King." He whispered in amazement. He had no idea. The Odans were one of the most trusted allies of Earth. He never thought that they would be a suspect. Ezi pulled the barrel away from the aliens gut and put it in its holster. Chan sighed in relief then glared at Ezi. "I hope you burn with the Hazaraths." He spat, then bolted out the door. Ezi drew his blaster but it was too late. The Kezkling was already gone. He looked around to see that everyone was staring at him with either anger or fear in their eyes. Taking notice, he walked out the door. Turning down a small alley way, he pondered what had just happened. As he turned out of it he bumped into a broad figure."You know our secret. Now you must die" Two Odans growled in unison.

Chapter two:The Assassination

A trash can rolled out of the alley as Ezi was thrown violently against the wall. With a blaster's cold muzzle pressed hard his neck the fat one repeated, "You know our secret. Now you must die." Ezi ran ideas through his mind. Time went in slow motion as instinct kicked in. The laser bubbled out of the muzzle just as he ducked his head, sending the laser ricocheting across the aluminum walls, spewing sparks in its wake. The sparks rained down the them, creating enough of a distraction for Ezi to send a low kick into the gun toting Odan's shin. It yelped and dropped the heavy blaster on its foot with a dull crack. With no time to waste Ezi dived for the blaster and with a quick spin of his wrist he turned on his back and shot the tall Odan in its crotch. It shrieked in pain and shock that its genitals had just been blown to bits. The Odan toppled over withing in pain and mumbled a stream of curses in its own language.

Ezi jumped up aiming the blaster at the other Odan who was still trying to regain its balance. He reached out with a firm hand and threw it by the neck into the wall. It slumped down only to be pulled up again by Ezi. Wrenching its collar he growled, "You scum! You filth! Make one move and I'll make you look like your friend." The Odan peered over at the groaning figure, and seeing that he had a hole through his thighs, turned back, disgusted. "Talk!" Ezi yelled. "I am Xenon of the Odan V clan, number 100." The Odan croaked. The Odan people had clans of hierarchy where I was the lowest and X was the highest. V was just above poverty level. They were used for the odd jobs like assassinations. Within the clans were numbers which showed the stature of that individual. Clan V:100 meant that he was a very famous assassin.

"We knew who you were the moment you walked into that bar to get a job. We had been watching Chan to make sure he didn't say anything about us, but when you came, we knew we had to keep you from finding out." Ezi tightened his grip even more. "You aren't giving me information. Why are you stealing our supplies, and what are you doing with them? We have helped you in times of depression, we have supported you in galactic wars. Why?" The Odan smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know-HU!" Ezi punched him in the stomach sending the air whooshing out of his diaphragm. He coughed, spitting up black blood. Ezi picked him up again, fuming with rage. Through violent coughs he wheezed, "I don't know a lot about their plans. I'm only a V clan. They never tell us anything. *Wheeze* Though I do know that they're hosting a huge weapon. Big enough to assimilate whole planets." Ezi stared at him disbelievingly.

"No force in the universe has that kind of fire power."

"Oh, you'd be surprised."

"Do you know where this weapon is?"

"I have a slight idea. It may be in the 52nd quadrant."

Suddenly a blaster bolt flew through the air. It hit its mark piercing through both Ezi and the Odan. Ezi coughed up blood then fell on the already lifeless Odan. The two lay there bleeding a pool of black and red mix.

"I'm glad I regained conscience before he spilled all the beans." Ercogg spat. He walked over to the two lifeless bodies. "Sorry you had to go Faign, but you were going to make us lose our jobs. He picked the two bodies up and threw them in a trash can. "All is well that ends well" He chuckled.

* * *

Back at head quarters Ezi's tracker had gone black. "We've got a man down! Man down!" A rookie walked over.

"Sir, his last coordinates were 52 longi-"

"Cut to the chase rookie."

"His last broadcast was recorded in New Mexico at the space port in area 64. We think he was in an alley."

"And his tracker just blanked out without any alarm that it had short circuited?"

"Affirmative. His tracker was connected to his nervous system, so he had to have died for it to stop broadcasting."

"Alright. Send a troop down there. Make sure their not the queasy bunch of wussies we sent for that last job."

"Sir, yes sir."

Soon sirens filled the port. Extra Terrestrials scuttled out of the streets leaving their alien drugs still smoking on the pavement. Captain Heller, at their front, peered out his windshield. He looked at his GPS trying to find which alley he was to go down. The device beeped and a blinking, red dot appeared in front of a narrow alley. Heller slowed and stuck his head out the window. His squad parted around him as he pointed at the alley. Men in meshu, a kind of rock that made lasers fizzle out when hit, suits filled into the alley, searching the premises. Finally a trash can was kicked over and the two bodies fell out.

"We've two bodies captain!"

Captain Heller's voice crackled over the radio.

"Is one of them our man?"

"Yes sir, it looks like it. One is an Odan and the other looks like Ezi."

"An Odan? What would an Odan be doing with Ezi?"

"We don't know. The Odan could have been trying to save him and died along with him."

"So Ezi is really...dead?"

The man checked Ezi's pulse.

"Yes, sir. I'm afraid he is." A sigh came through the small handset. Back at the police cruiser Captain Heller had tears in his eyes. Ezi was a friend from a years before who had helped him get all the way to where he was now. "Sir...?" He straightened up remembering he still had orders to give. "*Ahem* Take him with us. Their bodies may be able to tell us something."

"Yes sir." Infantry spewed out of the alleyway and into their police cruisers. The two bodies lay limply in their cots, almost waiting for their souls to leave their bodies. The sirens sounded once more, screaming through the night.

Chapter 3: The Child

Date: November 2, 2093. The 23rd anniversary of Ezi's death. He had left a loving wife and new born child on their own. Now that child was 23 and blooming into man-hood and ready to go out into the world, though there was not much left to go to this new Earth. Earth had been taken over long since his 5th winter. Now it was a filthy, Odan populated, polluted world where humans were slaves. Jasen (pronounced Jay-sin) worked in the mines with his 60 year old mother. She was frail and wrinkled from all the work and war that had happened over the past 18 years. Her hair was grayer than normal, and arthritis had spread through her joints. Jasen always tried to help her by taking her shovel and letting her rest, but before long he would get whipped by a flaming piece of flexible metal, and be told to let his mother do her own work and get back to his.

In 2075 the Odans had kidnapped the Master President's wife. The Master President was teh one who controlled all the dealings of Earth to other worlds and pretty much handled everything in the world. Smaller presidents handled their own countries and only came to him when help was really needed. The Odan King threatened him with a torturing device saying that they were going to torture and kill his wife if he didn't hand Earth over. The president, being the selfish coward he was, gave it up in a heartbeat. The next day he and his wife were killed by the Odan king just for pleasure. They took all the trading rights with other planets and took over the Earth's bountiful trading routes for their harvest. The humans were captured and sold into slavery for other planets. None of the other planets had tried to help, in fear of the giant laser. The Odans kept half of the race to do the harvesting work and sold the other half to other planets who had no apparent liking for humans. Some even bought them as delicacies. The Odan King reighned over Earth and there was no obvious way of stopping them. The armies of Earth had been destroyed through the sheer numbers of the Odans and no one remained to rebel. They had all been worked to the bone and were dead tired by the end of the day. Some people were even forced to work through the night.

The end of the day was always the best part of the day for Jasen. It was the time when the Odans let most of the humans rest for even more work the next day. But some had to work through the nights on the fields of harvest. Food was the highest demand in trading now. Jasen's best friend, Matt, was part of that crew, but since he was younger than 23, he switched off and on with the over night shifts. Jasen sometimes took over for him when the Odans weren't at their watch. Jasen was a kind and loving person who helped his friends when they were in need. His wavy black hair and bony face made him look exactly like his father. He was buff from all the work and sweat he was put through every day, and his green eyes were always glinting whether the sun was out or not.


These are the people in your group:

1. The Pilot- age forty-six, big and strong. Owner of most of the supplies.

2. The Co-Pilot- age twenty-nine, wiry and strong, but clumsy also.

3. The Surgeon- age thirty-four, average in size and strength. Brilliant with medicine and sciences (including chemistry and physics). Alex

4. The Actor- age thirty, strong, but a trifle lazy.

5. The Fisherman- age twenty-four, very strong. Good skills with cooking, sewing, organizing.

6. The Millionaire- age thirty, severely obese, slow, but good resourceful. Good with economics, budgeting of resources, and accounting.

7. The Craftsman (if needed to round out groups)- age forty-seven, Skilled in carpentry and mechanics. Interested in survivalism and wargaming.

Note: All are in relatively good health with no injuries from the crash.


Age 46



Gets annoyed very easily

Love to have fun

Black Hair


Some times overreacts


Good leader


Bad sense of humor ( has stupid jokes)

comes to really like actor




Strong and wiry

Blond, wavy hair

6' 1"

Very clumsy

Can help with lifting heavy things

Seemingly Destructive

Tries to help, but usually makes it worse

Sometimes lazy if he thinks something is to much

He always does his part

Likes to make friends

Skilled in climbing and flight patterns


Likes to make jokes

Life of the party

Jeans, Air force uniform, pilots hat, metal badge, boots, and an under t-shirt

Pen in shirt pockets

Has high stamina

Surgeon: Alex

Age 34

Skilled with a knife


Can make medicine

out of virtually anything

Believes in cooperation

Can mend anything

Wearing jeans, undershirt, long-sleeved tee, and a tee shirt

Smartest in the group

Found a way to make meds from poison ivy

Actor: Kyle

Age 30




pays people to do his work for him

tall 6' 3"

short tempered


Comes to like to Co- Pilot

Fisherman: Jeremy

Age 24

Very Strong

Good at organization

Skilled at Fishing

Can make a traditional fire

Cooks with traditional fire

Sews dresses

Good sense of humor

Wearing blue t-shirt, sandals, jeans, and a straw hat.


Mad 70% of the time

Not a people person

Needs something to complain about all of the time.

Knows good food from bad food

Feeds everyone

6' 2''

Millionaire: Joe

Age 30

Content with everyone in group

Will work well with everyone

Not very strong but very smart

Has on a black ripped tux with pants.

Very good with money, accounting, budgeting.

Not very fast and does not have much stamina.

Resourceful and happy with everyone and never gets very mad.



Carpenter: Lex

Age 47

Very strong


Can do anything from fixing cars to building houses.

Can also do blacksmith work

Specializes in earthquake proofing houses



Wearing Jeans, t-shirt, and sweatshirt

Can wield weapons if needed to

The opposite of lazy

Always does his part and usually does more

Does not tire easily

Always over confident/cocky

Despises things without a purpose

Has strong opinions

Doesn't like annoying people or people who don't do their share of work

Respects and trusts everyone unless you do something to make him not like you.

Very smart.

Not resourceful



General Goals:

    • What are your immediate goals as a group, that is, what do you think needs to be done in your first week on the island?

    • What are your mid-range goals as a group, that is, what do you think needs to be done in the second through eighth weeks on the island?

    • What are your long-range goals as a group, that is, what would you like to strive for in the long-run (over eight weeks)?

Political Goals:

    • How will decisions that affect the group be made? Popular vote. We will be a republic. Who will make these decisions?

    • How will these decisions be enforced if violated?

    • How will problems be solved?

    • What other "rules for living" will you make? Why?

Economic Goals:

    • What jobs will need to be done? How will you decide who does each job?

    • How will you decide how to divide up the belonging that you have now? Who gets to "own" or "possess" them?

    • What "rules for ownership and possession" will you make for things that will be made or found in the future? Why?

    • How will possessions be divided up?

Other Goals:

    • Will you make rules for marriage and families? Why? If yes, then what will those rules be?


    • What does your island look like?

    • What are the major features that affect your society?

Our island is a circle, half of which is surrounded by mountains and cliffs. The other half is open. Our buildings are built by the mountains house

General goals:

Immediate Goals:

    • We need to build a shelter in our first week there.

    • We need to determine food and water sources.

    • Learn to hunt

    • Learn the quickest ways around the island

    • Find things to make fire

Mid-Term Goals:

    • Explore more of the island and search for a more reinforced shelter

    • Identify poisonous things

    • Make a food shelter, away from the animals

    • Learn the three main jobs ( building, fishing/hunting, and basic medicine)

    • Find something like a cave to shelter from the worst of elements

    • Determine wood sources so we can build things and also get shade on hot days

Longterm Goals

    • Build fortress and expand camp.

    • Get rescued

Other Goals

    • Create medicine

Political Goals:

    • We will be a Republicacy

Economic Goals

    • We want to have a booming economy

My Lang Arts Essay:

His color distanced him from the sea if whites at his new school. He had been brought up in the rough and tough city, but was living in a suburbia. Lincoln loves to play basketball and when he moved, he joined the school basketball team. But to make matters worse, Lincoln had to play his old school, Franklin. This book is about a boy named Lincoln who is torn between his two basketball teams through race, economical status, and neighborhood. Lincoln grew up in the city where there were sirens every night. It was a place where even at school it was knuckle city every day. You had to be tough to last. One night his house was broken into and his T.V. and radio were stolen. But his mother got tired of all this. She didn’t want Lincoln coming home every day with bruises, so she moved with Lincoln to a calmer place, a suburbia. Lincoln liked the peacefulness of the new neighborhood. But later the author, Gary Soto, quotes, “Three months later, Lincoln was having second thoughts. He missed his old school and its mural of brown, black, and yellow kids linking arms in friendship.” This quote shows that Lincoln was feeling left out in the mostly-white school. It shows that colored people sometimes have a hard time with being around so many people not of their color. In the book Lincoln found another person who was black like him who was also on the basketball team.

Lincoln’s neighborhood was way different than his old one. All the people in his new neighborhood went to school in their BMW’s and Saab’s while in his old neighborhood he took a musty bus. It was calm in his new one, while in his old one sirens were always present. Everybody had more financial wealth than him. I think that he was mad and confused about all the differences in his new neighborhood. I think that he wanted to go back to Franklin, back to his friend Tony, and back to his girlfriend Vicki. In the book the author quotes(Pg. 60), “He was mad at everything and everyone-his mom’s new business, the dulls of his new neighborhood, Franklin , Columbus, and now even his carnal, Tony.” This quote states that by moving to his new neighborhood Lincoln became confused and angry about a lot of things. He made his friend Tony mad at him by disagreeing with him, his mom stayed up late with her job so she was grumpy in the morning, his neighborhood was boring and nothing like his old one, and he had to play his friends on his old team and try to beat them. There were many things that were making him stressed and most of them were spawned from Lincoln moving.

Lincoln has a hard time with all the whites. In the book he seems almost offended by all the whites and barely any blacks. Most of the school was filled with people who didn’t understand his culture. I think that it was hard for him to switch from a school where everybody was like him to a school where nobody knew his face. Gary Soto stressed the point on the back cover of his book by saying, “Lincoln is brown, not white. Nothing can change that.” Nothing can change that, and in the book I don’t think that he wanted to change that. I think that he just wanted to feel excepted.

Through all the hard things Lincoln still found a way to cope the new everything. He made a new girlfriend, he got used to his new neighborhood, and played easy on Franklin, letting them win and making him and his former teammates and even his new ones satisfied. I think that if the book were to continue Lincoln would make even more firnds and have a good relationship with his girlfriend. Lincoln’s anger and confusion about his new neighborhood has been cleared up.

My Ocean Question:

Q: Why am I who I am now?

A: No one really thinks about why they are who they are. They go through life adapting personalities, hobbies, and identities without even thinking about it. They never think back and say, “Hey, that’s how I got my sense of humor” or, “That event really shaped me into who I am.” No. They let life pass by them without even taking a second to ponder what has happened to shape them. I used to be one of those people. I would not think of the past but instead the future. I would stay up late some nights thinking about what I could do with my life once I was old enough to shape it. But then one night I asked my self who I was. The question came out of nowhere and haunted me like a ghostly presence. I couldn’t answer it, but yet, I could. I retreated to the deepest recesses of my memories and tried to recall how I had become me. And this is what I found.

In the dawn of my life I would watch two giants lumber around my house. They were my parents. Back then I had no personality of my own. So I did what my parents did. What they would say I would try to say, and what they would do I would try to do. That is what developed my first personality. That personality thrived until I first went to school. There were many other kids with many other personalities so I had to adapt. My personality changed a slight bit so I could make friends. I learned a little from them like I had learned from my parents. Several years later I got into elementary school. There I changed even more for if you said or did something weird, you would be labeled as weird. So I started to grow an exoskeleton around my true self. The things my friends thought were cool, I thought were cool. And if what they thought what I was doing was weird then I would change it immediately to what they liked. The exoskeleton got so thick around some things that I actually didn’t like them anymore. The things I used to adore had become non-existent to me. This went on until one day in 6th grade my brother asked me, “Dane, why are you so different then when we were little? Your really strange to me now.” That struck me in the heart. My brother whom I loved so much had told me that I was a stranger to him. From that day on I worked on getting back to my true self. I stopped changing my ways when my friends felt compelled to tell me that I was different, and I started to melt the exoskeleton away. I am still trying to get rid of all the barriers that I have created around myself today and I will keep trying till I get it done.

The things that I have done over the years have carved me into who I am now. My love of soccer, my friends, my love of my brother, the crisis’s, the happy times, the lessons I’ve learned, and most of all my parents. They are all why I am who I am today. Over the years I will change even more so and have even more things affect who I am, but I will forever and always be me.

My Fall Writing Assessment:

"Mom, mom! Wheres Cody?" On that day nothing mattered to me more. "He's right here." I peered over the side of the bed to see two glittering blue eyes staring up at me. The sides of me vision went dark and he was the only thing I saw. As I gazed him though glazed eyes the stars seemed to align for I knew i finally had a brother. He closed his eyes and started to cry, but I didn't care. I vowed at that moment to take care of him and respect him so that he grew up to be the best he could be. But I don't just respect him just because he's my brother. I respect him for many more reasons. Here are some.

As he grew up he learned to talk. He learned to walk and think for himself and to think of others. Because of him I was never lonely. We would talk together about everything and he would keep me company. He would follow me around on his small legs, always trying to be like me. And when i was sad he would comfort me and lead me back the path. I respect him for those things. Another thing I respect him for is for his playfulness. When he annoys me I tell him to stop and that I hate it, but it actually makes me luagh on the inside. I realize that he is just trying to get my attention so that I can leave the thing I'm doing at that moment and do something with him. I respect him for making me laugh and feel less stressed.

He is my world and I would hate it if anything happened to him. I respect him so he will be able to be happy and live the life he wants to.