Allie's Digital Portfolio


This document was one of my academy authentics. I'm proud of it cause I put lots of time into it and created a well thought out document with many creative ideas.


I read the novel "Taking Sides." I am proud of the essay I wrote because I worked hard towards finishing it and putting thoughtful ideas into it as my opinions on the book.


I wrote this as my first academy authentic. I am especially proud of it because I feel that the vocab in it is intense. It really captures the dark theme of the poem and makes you feel as though you are really in the setting.


Along with some classmates, I wrote this survival simulation. This is a document explaining the society we would create if we were stuck on an island.


This is a piece I wrote about respect . It was written at the beginning of the year, and I like to see how my writing changed from the beginning of the year to the end. All though, I am proud of this piece.


Some other classmates and I created this voicethread, explaining our survival simulation. I am proud of it because it is very creative and we put lots of time and effort into it.


A classmate and I created this voicethread teaching others about fragments. I am proud of this because it is well thought through and VERY creative.