Little People's Court

Little People's Court


An original radio drama by

Andy, Jeremy, Terri, and Tyler


Announcer/Bald Guy Over There Jeremy

Little Sally Sue/Helga Terri

Apple V/Officer Andy

Judge Tyler



2. Announcer: On this episode of the little peoples court, Little Sally Sue is suing Apple V for stealing her lolly pop. Apple v, also know as Arnold Vodka, is in an outrage. To judge this case, we have the judge wanna be, Tyler.



Sound: Walking from Little Sally Sue and Apple V

5. Officer: Please stand, the non-honorable judge Tyler residing. (Different Tone)

1. Little Sally Sue: (Sings Lolly Pop song)

2. Judge: Will the plaintiff please present her case?

3. Little Sally Sue: Well, it all started one Saturday. I had just bought a grape apple lollipop with my own money, when he showed up. I was just minding my own business, and he came and took my lollipop.

4. Apple V: Objection, she wasn't licking the lollipop at all.

5. Judge: Overruled, continue Sally.

6. Little Sally Sue: Like I was saying, he took my lollipop, which I had only taken two licks of for your information, and then he ate the whole thing.

Sound: Crowd muttering.

7. Judge: I can't believe he ate the whole thing. Anything to say for your self, lollipop stealer.

8. Apple V: Yes, I like to call to the stand, that old bald guy over there.

Sound: Crowd muttering

9. Bald Guy Over There: Where's my teeth, I need my teeth. Oh hear they are in my mouth.

Sound: Cain tapping to go across the room.

10. Judge: OK, why don't you start now?

11. Bald Guy Over There: OK, well for ten years he has gotten my mail and he's never stolen it before.

12. Judge: Is that all you have?

13. Bald Guy Over There: I think that he should be cleared.

Sound: Smack on head (Apple V groans)

14. Judge: You can step down now.

Sound: Cain tapping to go across the room.

15. Judge: Little Sally Sue, do you have any witnesses.

16. Little Sally Sue: (Giggles) Why yes, I'd like to call Helga.

Sound: Crowd gasping.

Sound: Booms for Helga walking.

17. Helga: I saw the whole thing, that little girl was just minding her own business when that boy came and said, "Hi".

18. Judge: It's starting to sound like he didn't do anything.

19. Helga: I mean, he didn't say hi and he walked away with a lollipop. A pink and blue one.

Sound: Crowd gasping.

20. Judge: But I thought that it was purple and green.

21. Little Sally Sue: It was, and he took it.

22. Helga: I didn't see him take anything, he just stopped, looked at her, and walked away carrying his own lollipop.

23. Judge: Then how did she loose her lollipop?

22. Bald Guy Over There: She smashed it on the ground!

Crowd gasping

Pause. . .

23. Little Sally Sue: O' alright, I smashed my lollipop to frame Apple V. He never played house with me whenever I asked. He's a jerk. I thought if I got rid of my lollipop, and he had one, then he would get grounded and would have to play with me.

24. Judge: I here by sentence you to eat all of your vegetables.

25. Officer: Come with me, your going straight to dinner.

26. Little Sally Sue: No, don't put me there, I'll do anything, I'll even buy a lollipop. Noooooooo! (Little Sally starts crying).

27. Announcer: So Little Sally Sue was sentenced to eat her vegetables, Apple V was released and now lives a normal life, and that bald guy over there ended up losing his teeth four days after the case. Unfortunately for Apple V, that bald guy over there sued him. Find out what happens on the next Little Peoples' Court
