Evan's Portfolio


    • Passing algebra and geometry

    • Getting an A on my final exam in Algebra

    • Getting an A on my final exam in Geometry

    • Getting As and Bs on my report card (mostly As)

Language Arts


    • Getting a lot of As

    • Zoo project

    • Dissecting a frog

Social Studies

    • A lot of As in class

    • Geography

    • American History

    • European history

Inside Jokes

    • Hoops(Kyle H.)

    • Touch club

    • Pass the egg salad?

    • I'm on discovery

    • butte(hehehe)

    • riding the gondola(Mike M.)

    • Thats what she said

    • Ganet Whales(aroo!)

    • Your own website

    • Subway Kyle

    • Matt R. the Capybearra(giant guinea pig)

    • Owowowowowow

    • Kyle's Box

    • J.K.(Just Kidding)

    • Do well(or good)

    • I have faith in you

    • Yozhi Wozhi woh

    • Brohood (BH for shorts)(It's Tight)

    • Shizzel Homeslice

    • Never Eat Soggy Waffles

    • Waffoes

    • Pass the Janjaweed