Mike M's Digital Portfolio

This is a bubbl.us I made for my -ism. I liked using different types of technology like learnerblogs, spresent, bubbl.us, voicethread, and other programs. It was cool to know how to present things in so many different ways.

The utopia project last year was really cool. I thought it was the best project I've ever done, and it was a lot of fun. We had room to put in what we wanted, and had control over the whole website.

There are of course other things I loved here at Cresthill, but I didn't have the time or the pictures to put them in. Actually, everything at Cresthill was great (except for the lunch food this year, gross!). It was a lot of fun, and hopefully I'll look back on these days someday, and think of how great it was to be at Cresthill.