Adam's Portfolio

Thinking back on the past two years, I have had a lot of memories, good and bad, and lots of thing that I will remember. I really think that there was no better team for me than Discovery. There isn't one memory in particular that I remember the most. I really just remember making new friends. Because when I came to Cresthill I thought that I would only stay friends with people from my elementary school. But after a few days everyone really branched out to me and it felt like I had a whole new set of friends. I know that it was important to be friendly with these people because I knew I was stuck with them for the next two years.

There was always little disputes between us, but we always worked it out, except there were always relationship disputes that split up the gang. I wont name names. But Brook and Eric always had this puppy love crush, that personally grossed me out. Its wierd because in 7th grade you couldn't separate them, but in 8th grade they wouldn't talk and none of us knew why.