Dan's Page/Portfolio

7th Grade



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8th Grade




There were so many great times that I had in 7th and 8th grade, but especially 7th. In 7th, I wasn't as much of a slacker and I never got into trouble for anything or nothing. (Like asking Ms. Coll how much trouble I would get in if I said "FOOD FIGHT" after Classic had theirs). I remember specifically 7th grade on many occasions. When I first got to middle school, there was no one except Ed, Geordy, Ryan Pettegrew, and after a week or so, Jordan. (Most of the Discovery kids at Acres Green went to Mountain Ridge). I remember the first day how Evan Miller asked me if I wanted to be in his band, but I wasn't quite sure. I wasn't as "intimidated" by the 8th graders as most other kids were because Tim and his friends like Michael, Mason, and Jason I. were there. On the first day when the 8th graders arrived, Mason showed me his old locker and started to hump it. It was queer of him. I remember going to inter murals to play soccer and everyone gave me crap for it but I didn't care. I remember when I rigged my locker and everyone was flipping out about it. At the end of 1st quarter, I started to get actual good friends. Because I dropped from Algebra to Pre Algebra, I got to know Brook, Erin, Daniela, Trey, Eric, and Adam. I specifically remember Garrett never talking, but now he always does. Nick was funny, but he wasn't really a "friend" at the time. I remember how Trey would bring his Steelers ball and we'd play with it during Math. Aric was hilarious and holmbrotherin, and Pat I knew from baseball. I remember Brook's skanky Valentine's Day party that I wasn't allowed to go to and how me and Trey told EVERYONE on Discovery that we loved them. In Social Studies one day, I didn't know what "hospitality" was, and assumed it was when you went to the hospital. Then the whole Swedish Hospital thing occurred where I thought that Sweden ran it or something. Good times. The whole class was cracking up. Then after CSAP when Brook was being really annoying and striving to get me and Erin to go out. Then we went inside and she was on our backs to kiss. It was really damn annoying. We went out- for 5 days. I was quite pissed afterwards, but whatever me Adam and Bryce made jokes about her for the hell of it while doing our Pakistan Camel thing for ELT. And then there was Erin's famous, "It's a pigeon feather!" in her extremely high pitched voice. OOHHHH ya, and when I switched LA and Science because there were substitutes in those classes and I got screwed during health for it. That was my only time in 7th grade getting in trouble. AAAhhh whatever, I was in for a lot more next year. The last day of school Justin Rouleau was trying to rape Erin and she got really mad at him. Good times. And when we went to Falcon Park my parents brought us sandwiches and popcorn and lemonade, and then me, Ed, Pat, and Bryce snuck over across the gulley. And then we went back and me and Pat returned to my house and because Jeff was trying to start a fight and there were teachers everywhere, me and Pat were stuck there for like 30 minutes just hanging out with my dad eating sunflower seeds. And earlier that day when Austin and me hated each other, the whole "beast" deal, I pretended like I was on animal planet getting as close to him as I could get and I was completely provoking him.