The Unwanted Guest

The ice-cream melted on my tongue so quickly it was as if my mouth was a microwave. My taste buds jumped as they saw another spoon of creamy rocky road approach them. "This ice-cream was definitely worth two dollars," I muttered to myself. I heard my taste buds sing again as I dug my spoon into the bowl. Unfortunately for me and my buds, it was my last spoonful.

As I slowly got up from my chair, I saw the fake smile on the cashiers face. "Did you enjoy your ice-cream?," asked the cashier, still having the smile on her face. " It was fantastic, I am so glad this store finally opened," I said to her in an excited tone trying to avoid to stare directly at her unibrow. " Have a good day," I said to her gleefully. At the very moment I opened the store door, the sun blinded me. I had never seen it being so bright.

I kept admiring the intensity of the sun until someone hit me in the back. " I am so sorry," the man said, " I lost my balance. " Don't worry about it," I said, still recovering from the blow. I was amazed when I finally saw the man who hit me. He had a huge load on his back and a shovel in his hand and even with all this, he still had a wide smile on his face. " Are you okay," he said to me. " Yeah, I'm fine." I knew he was okay becasue of that smile on his face, so I felt that it wasn't neccessary to ask. "Why are you carrying all of that stuff on your back?" " Oh this stuff is my life, it's all I got." He paused for a moment and went on, " My roommate kicked me out," he whispered. " Do you need a place to stay?" I asked. " YES YES YES," as if he was forcing me to say yes. I thought for a moment and then said, "Sure why not." " Thank you so much, I really appreciate it," he shouted. " My house is just down the road, we can walk. Let me take some of that stuff. "When we were walking back to my house, I felt a sense of pride because I might of saved someone's life.

When we got to my garage door, I cupped my hand around the number keys as I typed in my six digit code. As my garage door opened, the man's jaw opened widely. "Oh my gosh," the man said with his mouth still opened. " You have a Bentley?" He said excitedly. " Figure out on your own, take a look inside," I said very calmly. I was used to the awe of my visitors as they walked through the garage door. I always went through the garage door, I liked the attention. He got out of the car with the same look as when he saw the car. " You are so lucky," he said. " It's not luck, it's hard work. I earned this car all on my own." I said with pride.

I knew he wanted to see the car more, but I rushed through the door of the house. When we both got inside, I gave him the grand tour. " I never caught your name, " I said to him. " I am Doug, " he said. " I,m Alex, " I said back. Now that we finally got properly introduced, I continued with the tour. Doug seemed almost as satisfied with my house as he was with my car. For the rest of the day, he had a huge smile on his face.

It was approaching 11:45 and Doug already slept on the couch, good thing that was where he was supposed to sleep. I turned my TV off and I headed to my room. As I was changing my clothes, I thought that this could be the start of a good friendship.

It was lucky that the next day was Saturday because all we did was drive my car around the city. Doug couldn't get enough of it. Surprisingly, he

was a very talented driver. I still didn't know how long Doug was going to be staying in my house, but I didn't really care. He was very fun to be around. Also, Doug wasn't a burden at all. He didn't have any stupid questions to ask and he always kept the house nice and clean. I was thinking a lot and I decided that I would let Doug stay at my house perminantly.

It was Wednesday and I got home from work and headed straight for the computer room, that is where Doug spent most of his time. I was going to tell him that he could stay as long as he wanted. As I came close to the computer room, I heard Doug in a low voice, talking to someone on the phone. I stood by the doorway to listen. " I haven't done it yet, but don't worry, I will," he whispered. " I've just been playing the nice guy for the past few days because I wanted this guy to feel comfortable around me. I never knew a person could be so stupid, just letting a stranger into his house. If you pay me extra, I will do it today. Don't worry, I will get the job done." After I heard the phone hang up, I pretended to just come into the house. I didn't know what the job was, but I knew it wasn't good for me. " Are you ready to go to dinner?" I asked him with a frightened tone. Doug jerked around not knowing I was there. " Umm sure, let me just get something from my bag," he answered. As he reached in the bag, my fear built up. "What was he getting?" I thought to myself. When he pulled his hand slowly out of the bag, I saw a jet black object being held tightly. It took me no time to figure out that this was a gun.

I suddenly became a living statue. I couldn't move. Sweat was dripping down my face. " I'm sorry Alex, but I'm just doing my job," he said in a loud voice. As he said this, he slowly got his gun into position. When I saw this, I ran. I quickly got out of my front door and ran down the street. I was running as fast as I could, but it wasn't enough because I could hear Doug's footsteps getting louder and louder, he was catching up to me.

My heartbeat was getting faster, and I was slowing down. I tried to keep sprinting, but it seemed that my adrenaline was working. I tried to push myself forward, but my body couldn't. Suddenly, I felt something running down my legs. My leg was now a hue of dark red. I was shot. I couldn't stay on my feet any longer, I was dying. As I fell to the ground, I saw Doug's face, he still had that smile on.

" Dr. Conners, he's waking up." I heard the voice again but louder. Then all I heard were footsteps coming towards me. I sat up slowly, still feeling horrible pain in my legs. " Thank God he's alive." My sight finally adjusted. I was in a hospital wing being surrounded by doctors and nurses. The male doctor said in a very calm voice, " Are you okay?" I ignored the question, knowing that the doctor already knew the answer to that. " Alex, you got shot twice in your left leg. You are a very lucky man, if you got shot anywhere else, you would have died immediately." he said in amazement.

I spent the next week in the hospital wing. The doctors avoided talking to me becasue I needed rest. After one week of sleep, the doctors gave me a cast and a wheel chair. " We can't take you home, so call a friend or family member to pick you up. I picked up the dirty phone the doctor gave me and I called my friend Marty. When I heard Marty's voice on the phone, I said in a hoarse voice, " Marty, can you pick me up from the hospital, I will explain everything when I see you, please hurry!" Marty arrived in about fifteen minutes. As soon as he arrived, I told him everything, he was in shock. When we were driving home, I noticed that Marty had a hunting gun in the back seat. Marty saw me look at the gun and said, " Oh you noticed that, I started hunting a little while ago, it's really fun." Anger rose up inside of me. I thought about how a gun almost killed me. I felt so awkward, I felt like I needed revenge. My thought were racing. I decided that when we get to my house, I'll steal Marty's gun and find Doug. Then I realized that I was still in a wheel chair, I could never get away with it. " What should I do?" I asked myself. Marty helped me out of the car and he took his gun also. " I'm just taking the gun because I want to show it to you inside the house," Marty said quietly.

As we were entering the house, I felt fear. I didn't know why. It was the exact fear I had when Doug was pulling his gun out of his bag. " Hello Alex," someone said in a sinister voice. I quickly turned around, afraid of what I would see. Standing there calmly, was Doug. " I thought you were dead, I guess I will have to do my job all over again." He got his gun into position. I felt exactly the same when he first put the gun to me, like a statue. All of a sudden, someone came running through the door and tackled Doug. It was Marty. He quickly put the hunting gun to Doug's head saying, " Undercover police, you are under arrest." My heartbeat slowly went down to its usual pace. " Marty, you saved my life," I said to him. " Don't worry about it," he said back. " I'm just doing my job." " I can't believe you are an undercover cop," I said with excitement. " That means I am doing my job correctly," Marty said back in a humorous voice. We both laughed. I became angry when I saw Doug get into Mart'y undercover police car. " What a waste of a good friend," I said to myself. I realized that I was stupid to let a stranger into my house. I will never do that again.Life wasn't necessarily better with Doug gone, but I knew I was safe, especially with an undercover policeman as a friend.

Once again, I heard my taste buds singing as the ice-cream approached them. As Marty arrived with his third bowl, I could hear his buds too. " I told you this ice-cream was good," I said to Marty. " You were definitely correct my friend," Marty said with his mouth full of ice-cream. When Marty was finally finished with his ice-cream, a small girl approached us and said, " Would you like to have a sample of the town paper?" " Sure, why not?" we both said in unison. I stretched out my legs and read the paper while Marty was paying. My eyes widened as I saw the words on the front page. Mincent City jail resident, Doug Kent, has escaped from his jail cell. All police could find was a note saying, " I will get you someday Alex."