Chapter 10

You’re Lenrog! But you showed emotion, I've been worrying forever about finding you and you were the one who helped me all the time. Why couldn't you have just told me who you were and tried to stop this? Why don't you want me to contact you? And the most important question, how are you a human?

Fine I'll tell you, just settle down. When we were in the desert and I was inside your mind, I saw something special that doesn't exist in many places; sacrificing your life for what you hold dear. I don't want the earth to be destroyed, but I can't stop my own kind, when their mind is made up, it’s made up. I'm not like every other dragon. They all threw their emotion away like I said. I didn't, and the only reason I survived is because I was the only hatchling of our race when we went inside the core. I had never gotten to the point when I had to get rid of emotion. I find you humans fascinating, I don't want all of you to be killed. That virus that is going around is magic that every other dragon set off because now they know that your weapons are a threat. They also know that you need communication to activate them. So they are stopping you but making every single one of you mutes. Of course that won't stop you completely but it will slow you down. The found out how your weapon system works the same way I found you. Changed into humans. Or anything for that matter. They could have been a plant, pet, desk, anything. I left my group to find you because I knew I couldn't convince them to stop, but maybe you could. They would know it was me if I used telepathy, but you are unknown to them. Certainly they could destroy you if you had trained with a human telepathic, but studying with the most powerful creature on, or in, the planet has its advantages. If I told you who I was, then you would ask me to contact them, and even if I told you that it was impossible, your stubbornness would never budge. So to use it to my advantage, I made you determined to learn from me. Plus as a backup plan if you couldn't convince the dragons, you could still help the mute government in their talking problem. I will help in your mission but I need your determination to help save the world. What do you say?

The second to last sentence was a lot of pressure and all he could say was "What do you say?” That's it, that's his big climax of his epic tale on how he achieved such a "feet". This was just perfect, John had been tricked, lied to, had pain inflicted on him, had to go on a devastating adventure to find someone right in front of his nose, and now the world's fate was in his hands.

I'll do it! Even though you have been basically a jerk to me, I'll do it. But this is for the world and everyone in it, not you. I still don’t think that you had to go through all of this, I would have listened.

I can read people's minds and thoughts; no you couldn't, not as much as needed. John was offended that this was around the fifth time Rick/Lenrog had called him dumb but there was no point in arguing.

Now is the time to contact them, we must act fast. John did as he was told and attempted to contact the dragons. Once again he entered the black sea and this time looked specifically for colored mind bubbles. He found several but Lenrog told him that he needed to search for a white one, which would be the leader. It took a while but John eventually found it, and what a bubble it was. It was huge, and the bad part was that it had the most secure outer wall out of any bubble that John had ever seen. (Which wasn't much.) How was he supposed to enter this tremendous bubble? Just do what Lenrog told you, he said to himself, although he didn't entirely believe that it would work. I mean no harm, I mean no harm, I mean no harm. John stretched out his hand, closed one eye, and left the other one squinting in case he should succeed. This was the scariest thing he had ever experienced. If he touched that bubble and it didn't believe him, he was toast. Literally. His hand was one foot from the white substance, he could still turn back. Ten inches, nine, eight, seven, six, five, he had just enough time if he wanted to, four, three, two, one. He glided right through and into the amazing mind of the head dragon. But before he could even call out, the dragon's figure had appeared. Foolish human, what do you want, and how could you have possibly got in?

I used the back door how do you think I got in here; duh I don't mean any harm. Excuse me for my behavior; it is an honor to finally meet you.

I ask again, what do you want, or I will destroy you. John thought it was best not to mention that one of his own followers had taught him how to protect himself but John didn't understand how he could do that without reaching his mind bubble. He answered, My name is John, and I want to ask you, could you please not destroy the earth?

Foolish human, this is our home and it will remain as our domain. But that is not what is important, what is important is that now you have just given me the way to destroy you. I won't as long as you just step aside and let us finish what we started.

But why can't you spare us?

Human, you are pushing too far, I don't know how you know all of this but you are way out of line. We will destroy the earth because it is our home.

It's ours too. The dragon roared with laughter, John wasn't kidding so what was so funny?

You expect me to stop, where are we supposed to live? This is funny how you are making a worthless attempt at saving your world when you know that you are wasting my valuable time. Also I have warned you twice, one more remark and you will be destroyed.

Surely you can find it in your heart to let it go. This time the dragon's roar shattered John's eardrum.

Human! You dare use emotion on me; you will now die a painful death! And with that his figure dashed out of the bubble and sped off in the direction of. . . John's bubble! John flew out of the mind of the head dragon and headed for his bubble as well; but his speed was no match for the dragon's. John had never seen Lenrog travel that fast, could he even do that? He was the youngest member, but that wasn't important right now. If John wasn't there when the white dragon attacked, he was doomed. There it was, just a few hundred feet away, if he could only reach out in time to counter attack the dragon.

An oblivion of pain surged everywhere in John's body. The dragon had struck, and there was no way to reach him in this pain. It was even more painful than both Lenrog's attack and defense attacks put together. His body would normally go numb at this point, but the dragon made sure to make sure that his mind didn't do the same, causing as much pain as possible. All of a sudden, it stopped. John was free; he could take a breath instead of just scream from the pain. But what happened? Was the dragon just toying with him? John thought it best if he didn't have to find out. He flew right into his bubble and to his surprise saw, Lenrog!

John no, don't say my--

Lenrog huh, said the dragon king, you’re supposed to be one of us, why are you helping this creature? It doesn't matter; I will take you out first. And once again he flew out of the bubble and headed toward Lenrog's. Before Lenrog could even move, the dragon's roar was herd from all directions, but why? Lenrog's eyes were closed and his body shaking. The dragon king returned and said one thing, Even though you beat me, but that doesn't change anything. I won't call off the attack, Lenrog will be a wanted dragon, and now everyone won't suffer a nice painless death, but a terrible, slow, agonizing death. With that note, the dragon left at lightning speed. Everyone would now suffer a painful death, but worse, they had lost all chances of survival. All hope was lost, and now, the world had even less time. What had John done?