
Life is said to have begun 400 million years ago. But scientists now believe that thanks to a rock on Akilia Island in southern West Greenland, that life began 3.85 billion years ago. Our Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years and now they have evidence that life has been around less than 1 billion years after. They have found isotopic evidence (cells with the same number of protons & neutrons but different masses) but don't know exactly what the eukaryote (life form) was. . .

Dragons, legends and myths have been around for thousands of years, well there is a tale that is as old as the Earth itself, one that has never been told before. . . until now.

Long ago, the Earth used to be a volcanic planet. The dragons emerged from the magma and flew around the Earth. They weren't violent creatures. They were just like any other predator. They hunted, but since there was no prey, they ate each other. Because of this, their babies never left their mothers until they were old enough to kill. As they got stronger, the battles for survival got longer. Some lasted for days, weeks, and on one occasion, months. They were too caught up on food that they never noticed that their world was changing, until the big flood.

A storm, worse than any before came and since they couldn't live under these conditions, they were forced to retreat. Most escaped the storm by retreating to the Earth's core, but those who were arrogant, who tried to brave the storm, died from the water and lack of heat.

Dinosaurs came and went. Ice ages created and destroyed. And humans have been stupid in their "progress" of technology. Still they remained in the core.

For 3.8 billion years, they hid in the Earth's core. Nurtured by the warmth they never died. The world has always been full of water, and it has never been warm enough for their kind. But now, our stupidity has warmed the Earth enough so that they can thrive, and it's only a matter on time before they realize it too. . .