MattR's Digital portfolio

I've had a lot of fun at this school. In some ways I'll miss it, in a lot of ways I'll be glad I'm gone. I have made tons of new friends and made stronger relationships with old friends. These two years have been fun and I hate to say it but I guess it has been "educational" in certain ways. I think the best part is all the great times we've had. I have countless inside jokes. Here I'll list them for you. For some of them I put who they were about or made up by.

(although you probably won't get them unless your my friends.)

Inside jokes:

    • Pass the egg salad?(hahaha)

    • I'm on discovery!

    • Think about it authentically!

    • Hooptastic, hoops(kyle)

    • The touch club

    • Bocadillo de amor( me and mason in spanish)

    • Butte(haha)

    • Riding the gondola(mike)

    • Sexy toes(me)

    • No soup for you!

    • Thats what she said

    • Luke

    • Saterday night M&M's

    • Logical reasoning

    • Ganat whale's(aroo!)

    • Your own website

    • Subway kyle

    • Caypebeara(me)

    • ohwohwohwoh

    • Kyle in a box

    • J.K.(aka J dot K dot)

    • It's "well"(me again)

    • Yozhi wozhi woh

    • Bro hood( or b h 4 shorts)(its tight!)

    • Shizzle home slice

    • Never eat soggy waffles

    • Walffoes

    • 17(me)

    • Pass the janjaweed!

    • Powder puff and ruff and tuff( Mike and Carsten)

    • Matt the mexican(me) (it is currently a school wide joke)

Main middle school friends:

    • Evan M.- Hey man. You and I weren't friends in 6th grade but it was nice knowing some one in 8th grade that made it to discovery. Look where we are now. You and I are great friends whenever one us is sad we know how to cheer each other up. Can't wait untill high school.

    • Mike M.- Glad we were friends. We were having trouble in the end of 7th grade but we made it through. We are good buds nice knowing you and hope we are friends in high school.

    • Kyle H.- Hoops! We had a lot of laughs. You know we had a lot of fun. Great knowing you and hope we stay friends.

    • Austin H.- Rodregiez! We will never forget that. Wow we had a good time. Hope I see you at football.

    • Geordy S.- Hey we are best friends man. We have had our hard times but we managed through it. The thing I will remeber the most is how we helped each other. I still remember the day in 7th grade we were walking home in hillcrest and we told each other about each others "projects". We made a promise to help each other. You made it a little faster then me but we both were successful.

    • Mason B.-

    • Josh E.-

    • Colby O.-

    • Kyle B.-

    • Grace G.-

    • Matt T.-

    • Mike B.-

    • Erin H.-

(if you not on this list don't freak your still my friend you just didn't leave as much of an impact on my life in middle school),