Alex's Digital Portfolio

This is my poem about the Academy of Discovery:

Academy of Discovery

A place of learning.

A place of gifts.

A place of wisdom.

Academy of Discovery.

A place of honor.

A place of trust.

A place of integrity.

Academy of Discovery.

A place of leadership.

A place of independence.

A place of power.

Academy of Discovery.

A place of independence.

A place of goal-setting.

A place of self-discipline.

Academy of Discovery.

A place of creativity.

A place of enlightenment.

A place of wonders anew.

Academy of Discovery.

A place of security.

A place of refuge.

A place of safety.

Academy of Discovery.

A place of me.

A place of myself.

A place discovery.

Academy of Discovery.

The First Chapter of Fight to Survive

Somewhere, in the middle of nowhere, on some desolate planet along the outer reaches of the universe, a band of fugitives from the grasps of The Seil, founded a hidden base. The fugitives, Dyolf, Hsara, and Xela (pronounced, “Zee-la) were wanted for refusing the demands of the throne. They took refuge on the planet Eci, the coldest planet in the universe. Being the coldest planet, Eci was made entirely of ice. This would present the challenge of camouflaging the base as it would be completely visible, and, for that matter, venerable.

“Brr, it’s FREEZING, Xela!” Hsara complained quite loudly,”Isn’t there some other planet where we could hide?”

(Amazingly, these people spoke the same language as us, and resembled humans so well, some thought they were one of us.)

“Come on, Hsara. You know as well as I do that bounty hunters are stationed in every planet in the universe to find us except here. The only activity that goes on here is the occasional bounty hunter scout to look for a base. If you would rather hang by your toes and be steadily speared by Drehdren (poison-horned giant lizards) until you die, then be my guest.” Xela replied hotly.

“He’s right, Hsara,” Dyolf said,”We can’t risk going anywhere else.”

“But surely–” Hsara began.

“That’s enough!” Xela commanded,”Listen, we all don’t like our situation right now. I don’t even want to be here. But this is all we’ve got, so let’s make the best of it.”

“But how will we be able to make a shelter that no one can see?” asked Dyolf, “I hear the Seil have raised the bounty to 25000 Gnuts for each of our heads, dead of alive!”

“That is a problem,” said Xela darkly,”Where do you hear this stuff, Dyolf?”

“Maybe we can sculpt a shelter out of ice,” suggested Hsara,”Then no one will be able to see where we’re hiding!”

“You know Hsara, that’s the first thing you’ve said that actually makes sense!” said Xela, “That just might work!”

And so, they sculpted themselves a nice, big ice fort that was invisible to any bounty hunter passing by. They spent years hiding in that icy fort. Soon, news of their escape had spread throughout the galaxy and now few believed in the power of the Seil and began to rebel. The first of the rebels was a pair of warfare technicians named Ronnoc and Bocaj who found Xela, Hsara, and Dyolf’s hidden base on Eci. Together, the five made a synthetic material that resembles ice so much that the only distinction between the two was by touching them.

The Seil continue to search for the rebels, their frustration increasing, and more loyalists are losing faith in the Seil. But, it will only be so long that the rebels will remain elusive. Building up their weaponry and defense of the base, they won’t go down without a fight.

My Personal Curriculum About Black Holes

A response to Discovery Science

I believe that animals need to be preserved in the wild, even though they're preserved in zoos because wild animals are the only way we can tell how the animals behave in the wild is to study their behaviors in the wild. With an animal that's as uncommon in zoos, such as elephants, and are on the brink of extinction, we will have no idea about how they act in the wild. If they go extinct, elephant in captivity could be fed meat because no one knows what they ate in the wild. I don't agree with aa7za3y4 when he/she says that animals should be released from zoos and let nature deal with them because in the wild, animals have the problem of obtaining food because they've lost that natural instinct. Also, there's the problem of hunters and other predators because they've lost their fear of humans therefore leading them to be easily murdered (shot). They've lost the instinct to hide from danger because, in zoos, there are no dangers. Therefore, releasing them would be worse and potentially leading to more unnecessary deaths of wild animals. Also, the sad, but true reality is that if some thing's not done about the destruction of wild animals' habitats for farming and industrialisation, soon there won't be any wild behavior to replicate and there won't be any wild for animals to live in.